OT Advent Calendar (& Hanukkah!) Day 7: Musical Crimes Against Christmas

Bryan O'Nolan

Bryan O'Nolan is the the most highly paid investigative reporter at Ordinary Times. He lives in New Hampshire. He is available for effusive praise on Twitter. He can be contacted with thoughtfully couched criticism via email. His short story collection Mike Pence & Me is currently available from Amazon.

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5 Responses

  1. DensityDuck says:

    “Do They Know It’s Christmas” is actually a pretty decent tune, it’s just the lyrics are meaningless outside of the appeal to a charitable cause that hasn’t existed for forty years and was questionable even in its heyday.Report

  2. Slade the Leveller says:

    I’ll go to my grave believing Wonderful Christmastime is a catchy tune unworthy of the vitriol heaped upon it.Report