Video Throughput: HCQ Revisited

Michael Siegel

Michael Siegel is an astronomer living in Pennsylvania. He blogs at his own site, and has written a novel.

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10 Responses

  1. In related news, webcam and microphone suggestions are welcome.Report

  2. It was evaluate by the same standard and it failed. Go troll someone else with your nonsense.Report

    • Elin in reply to Michael Siegel says:

      All due respect, but that’s ridiculous.
      If the non-sterilizing vaccines have not been touted as having prophylactic benefits (before receiving EULA), in terms of not catching the virus, then they’re CLEARLY being evaluated to different standards.

      (And that’s fair. Different modalities of treatment for a given virus perhaps ought to be evaluated differently)

      Can we talk public policy? If we don’t think that a treatment will have prophylactic benefits, and the sole reason for giving the treatment is to prevent “Hospitals from Getting Overwhelmed,” ought we not to prioritize the places where hospitals have the LEAST resources? We had significant issues in Italy and Ecuador where people were dying because of lack of resources (I hesitate to say the same about NYC, as there’s a better case to be made for malfeasance there).Report

  3. Brandon Berg says:

    Do the circles inside the rings in the hydroxychloroquine model mean anything, or are they just there to say, “Here be rings?”Report