“Christmas Eve” by Mike DeCapite
Mike DeCapite is one of those guys I know through a guy who knows him from way back. As I’ve struggled to learn how to write my stuff out of me, my friend Rob suggested “You ought to read Mike DeCapite. ‘Through the Windshield’. Or ‘Creamsicle Blue’. Or anything really. You’ll like him.” Rob was right; he’s a fantastic writer. I don’t know quite how he does it, but he tells the best stories with the right mix of humor and insight. I still struggle. Maybe we all do.
Here’s a recent DeCapite piece entitled “Christmas Eve“. It’s short and evocative and every word is the right one in the right place. I don’t know quite how he does it, but you ought to read Mike DeCapite.
Thanks, Rufus. I needed that.Report
Yeah, I liked this one.Report
No problem at all.Report
Beautifully written, but how could he know so much about that woman just seeing her using an ATM?Report