Trump Sentenced to Unconditional Discharge in NY Criminal Case

Andrew Donaldson

Born and raised in West Virginia, Andrew has been the Managing Editor of Ordinary Times since 2018, is a widely published opinion writer, and appears in media, radio, and occasionally as a talking head on TV. He can usually be found misspelling/misusing words on Twitter@four4thefire. Andrew is the host of Heard Tell podcast. Subscribe to Andrew'sHeard Tell Substack for free here:

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10 Responses

  1. Philip H

    This conviction is gonna remain a thorn in his side. A burr in his saddle. A boil which festers.

    That’s probably the best punishment.Report

  2. Slade the Leveller

    How did we let the courts transform the office of president to that of king?Report

  3. Mike Schilling

    Formatting issue with the second blockquote.Report

  4. Burt Likko

    In Italian, the word furbo means that one is clever and wily, able to bypass rules and cynically advance one’s self-interest. Italians are said to admire furbizzia, albeit in kind of a low-key way. (Silvio Berlusconi’s face appears in the Italian dictionary’s definition of furbo.) The rough opposite of furbo is fesso, which isn’t quite an insult, but is usually used as a condescension. Un fessi is naïve, credulous, a rule-follower. Generally, though, il fessi is generous and good-intentioned; a mensch. Most people are not all the way one or the other, of course. You can be fessi today but furbo tomorrow.

    Stories often reduce to il furbo taking advantage of il fesso in some way. Certainly, we’re to feel sorry for il fesso who inevitably gets the shit end of the deal, but we’re also to admire il furbo for having gli coglione (the balls) to have done it at all, and also being entertained by the cleverness shown in the transaction.

    I’m coming around to the idea that I, and other people who like me bought into the concepts of the rule of law, the importance of democracy, rejection of autocracy, and the Cincinattic model of citizens only holding power temporarily, are a bunch of fessi and we need to get wise about things.Report

  5. PD Shaw

    Sounds like a judge realizing he is likely to be reversed and trying to minimize that possibility by making the case as inconsequential as possible.

    I stand by my predictions on the Trump criminal lawsuits from the outset, which was the prosecutors better have the goods because the tendency of all the Nixon lawsuits was the expansion of executive power, even in cases Nixon lost. The Nixon lawsuits legitimized the executive privilege analysis for one thing. They also provided immunity from civil suits and exposed the need for FISA courts to guard against searches and seizures purported to be for national security. The one limitation in the Trump immunity case is that it involves a fairly lengthy, complex analysis of what a President does that might discourages prosecutions, but lacks the degree of certainty of a blanket rule that would make the POTUS reckless.Report

    • Burt Likko in reply to PD Shaw

      Unfortunately, it appears we will never know what the goods were in the prosecutions’ cases because they’re all going to be buttoned down and effectively permanently hidden from the public’s view in less than 240 hours.Report

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