Weekend Plans Post: The Ghost Town


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to AskJaybird-at-gmail.com

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15 Responses

  1. Fish

    I’m done at 1330 today and will be working from home Monday and Tuesday as my workplace will be closed. After today I won’t have to see this place until 2 January. Woo! I even got to send one of those “I’m out after today until next year” emails this morning. More Woo!Report

    • Jaybird in reply to Fish

      We did the “We’re closed between Christmas and New Year’s!” thing for a while but then the pandemic happened. We went from “no electricity/no heat in the building, except for the room with the security guard (with space heater)” to “okay, fine… but turn the lights out if you’re not in the room anymore!”

      It was better when they shut down the building.Report

  2. InMD

    I envy the people who get the two weeks off off. Since I became an in-house lawyer I’ve spent the time in an on call capacity. On the one hand, no one is really looking for me in the normal sense. On the other there are are contracts that need to be completed by years end, last call here, final edit there, with the added complicating factor that many of the people in the process are suddenly unreachable. However there are certainly much worse things, and at least I can do it all from my desk at home.Report

  3. KenB

    Our main biz is Medicare Advantage enrollment, and CMS decided to make a crap-ton of regulatory changes this year effective 1/1/2025, with not nearly enough notice for us to properly plan — so now we have a traffic jam getting all our clients all their needed updates in time. We didn’t anticipate this when liberally granting time off, so those of us with the most wringable necks will have a busy Christmastime scrambling to find the resources to test, deploy, deal with fallout & unhappy clients, etc.Report

  4. fillyjonk

    I am at my mom’s house so for once I get to do what I want.

    Which, right now, is baking Christmas cookies. I have the dough for “roll outs” chilling, and also dough for a peppermint shortbread, and shortly I’ll make date bars.

    Yes, it’s just her and me, but we give to a number of friends and neighbors….Report

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