Weekend Plans Post: Garlic (Specifically Toom)
I was walking through Costco picking up the usual stuff when one of the sample hawkers asked if I wanted some grilled chicken dipped in Toom and… well, of course I wanted grilled chicken. I didn’t know what “Toom” was but it looked like mayo and it was *NOT* mayo, the lady assured me and I took a bite and…
Holy cow.
I am a pretty big garlic fan. I’m one of those people who tends to double (or triple) the amount of garlic in a recipe and have never, not even once, thought “shouldn’t have done that”. It’s just one of those seasonings that makes a savory dish even savorier.
Toom’s ingredients follow: Organic canola oil, fresh garlic, lemon juice, sea salt, maltodextrin, and citric acid. All pretty straightforward, right? Well, in practice, it’s like garlic is a coca leaf and Toom is what you get after you process it to make cocaine. I assume, anyway. I’ve never tried cocaine. It’s the “Hashish” to garlic’s “Weed”. Well, I’ve never done hash either. But when I took a bite of that chicken, I immediately thought “oh my… this might be *TOO* garlicky.”
So I bought a tub.
I throw a spoonful on pretty much everything now. Whipping up some Hamburger Helper? Throw a dollop on top when you serve it up. Making some chicken skewers? Throw some on there. Making some french fries in the oven? Why not dip them in Toom?
I’m not addicted or anything. I can quit whenever I want. But why would I want to?
They sell it at Costco now. Grab a tub the next time you see one. It’ll open your sinuses and your third eye.
Oh, Maribou got back from her trip tonight and it’s great to have her home. The kitties won’t leave her side. This weekend, she’s going to spend it not leaving theirs and I’m going to spend it taking the car in for the triannual oil change. Oh, and being glad she’s back.
So… what’s on your docket?
(Featured image is Toom. Seriously. Get some. Photo taken by the author.)
As little as possible. I broke two ribs last Sunday.Report
What happened? I’ve cracked a couple ribs twice (once snowboarding, and once Onewheeling) and it ain’t fun. Feel better soon.Report
Jumped up from the couch, tripped, staggered a couple of steps, then hit the ribs square on a wall corner when I fell. The ribs don’t hurt too badly, but from time to time most of my “core” muscles spasm at once. Think the world’s largest charlie-horse. Those are debilitatingly painful for several seconds until the muscles relax again.Report
Man, that’s awful. I hope you get better quickly!Report
Oh yeah I know exactly what you mean. When I did it snowboarding, I cracked my ribs on the first day but did not realize it, kept snowboarding that day and all of the next day (with plenty more falls, but was starting to get the hang of it), stiff and sore but not thinking much more of it.
On day 3 I woke up and threw the comforter off me and my whole torso just locked. I thought maybe I’d thrown my back out, similar thing (and presumably for similar reasons, your body is saying, “don’t move, dumbass, you’ve got to rest and let this heal”). Awful.
Heal quickly!Report
Get well soon and ugh. It sucks when the warranty runs out.Report
Pisser! Hope it heals quickly.Report
Agh! feel better man. Broken ribs suck. I haven’t had one but at Christmas 2016, my mom slipped on ice and broke a rib. I wound up having to do everything while I was there (lucky I was, my dad was still alive but was somewhat disabled so he couldn’t do much)
sadly, she still has pain from it – but she also has osteoporosis so that could be part of itReport
Symptoms have improved markedly this morning.Report
I have to work a full day today so this weekend is going to feel short. As such, I have no concrete plans for anything. Ugh.Report
Quarterfinal FB game and charity trivia tomorrow. Tonight, blissfully, nada. Sunday, church and lunch with my daughter, which is one of the highlights of my week.Report
This Toom thing looks suspiciously like Allioli or Aioli (*) sauce, which you can do with or without citric, and with or without eggs (I prefer with eggs and without lemon), and which is the both the most delicious and simplest thing to do at home.
I suggest you try your own. Better quality ingredients, and you can vary the seasoning to your taste.
(*) Spelling varies by country.Report
We’ve done the aioli thing before with black garlic. This was different than the aiolis we’ve made. Or, maybe, we never decided to scream “MORE! MORE! MORE!” at each other while we made it.
This stuff isn’t a friendly hug of garlic. It’s an Undertaker’s Last Ride of garlic.Report
I’d throw a little Tahini in it… ride that garlic bomb all the way to the ground – now with 30% more umami!Report
I have yet to try black garlic, but if I understood your black garlic experience correctly, it felt like it’s less garlicky that regular garlic.
Also, if I understood your story correctly, you didn’t make alioli from scratch, you mixed the garlic in the posh store bought mayonnaise, which, no matter how posh the bottle, tastes very different to home made mayo (probably the flavor of stabilizers). I would use some bottled mayo (Hellman) for hotdogs, but just a smidge. More, it tastes of chemistry sets to me.
But freshly made mayonnaise, with or without garlic, is something totally different. Thats what I use if I’m cooking something nice, like a roast, or to elevate a side of vegetables.
That’s why Belgians, who invented the French fries, dip them in (fresh) mayonnaise, and not in ketchup (another foul invention). Come on, you can(I can) eat fresh mayonnaise on its one, with a spoon. It’s yummy.Report
And once again I realize how I live in the Back of Beyond, I’ve never even HEARD of Toom before this, let alone seeing it anywhere for sale.
Today is a trip out because I need to be out. It’s been a brutal 10 days and not even because we’re back in the “chaos” portion of the news cycle, but because I’ve been absolutely crushed with work. I also have to try to find a specific item which I may or may not find for my niece’s Christmas present. But I’m also going out shopping for ME because I need to be out of the house and away from workReport
Dude, a week ago, *I* had never heard of it. I only discovered it because they put some on some chicken at the Costco and called out to me.
This wasn’t something that I had been keeping in my back pocket for a rainy day. As soon as I found out about it, I told you guys about it.Report
Got back from our Cruise vacation and almost immediately had to go to NYC for business meeting; got to see a Ranger’s game in MSG as a ‘team building’ exercise though.
I’m way behind on Hunting this season and should be going out today… but after the travel I feel kinda drained… so might just veg in front of College Football games and the ‘puter.
Fun fact about the cruise… Hurricane Rafael formed in the western Caribbean (our destination) and the Greek Captain simply sailed us right across it’s path north of Cuba when it was hitting the Caymans; then we sailed behind it one day later and stopped at the Caymans. Calm seas and no rain (other than the usual SUNSHINE RAIN ANGRY RAIN SUNSHINE you get in those parts)… Caymans were fine – it was just a little hurricane. Lady Marchmaine got to swim with the Turtles on Grand Cayman which was a highlight for her and had been a minor source of anxiety watching the Hurricane reports leading up to and during the Cruise.Report