Throughput: Migrant Stats Edition

Michael Siegel

Michael Siegel is an astronomer living in Pennsylvania. He blogs at his own site, and has written a novel.

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2 Responses

  1. Michael Cain

    ThTh1: For those who are neither wealthy nor have a well to do sponsoring organization, the Electoral Studies article is available at Sci-Hub.

    ThTh2: The article — a couple of links away — does not include data as far back as the massive heat/humidity dome centered over Chicago during the summer of 1995. Hundreds of deaths were attributed to that single event. The US record for wet-bulb temperature was set in Wisconsin during that.Report

  2. Jaybird

    I got the Novavax last year and side effects were minimal. I got it this year and it kicked my butt and Saturday would have been ruined if I weren’t pretty good at sitting in front of a computer.

    Even so, it was less draining than the mRNA ones (which had Friday shots leave me out of gas on Sunday as well).Report

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