POETS Day! At Home with Edna St Vincent Millay

Ben Sears

Ben Sears is a writer and restaurant guy in Birmingham, Alabama. He lives quite happily across from a creek with his wife, two sons, and an obligatory dog. You can follow him on Twitter and read his blog, Might Stain Your Shirt.

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2 Responses

  1. Jaybird

    I remember my grandfather pulling my mother aside back in the early 80s and telling her that he didn’t want her watching On Golden Pond. He didn’t care if it won a hundred Oscars. He didn’t think much of Jane Fonda and didn’t think much of people who would put money in her pocket.

    Mom, as far as I know, still has never seen it. I know that *I* have never seen it.

    There’s artists whose work I can’t really enjoy in the current year (at one point, I really wanted a box set of Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids for after I retired and could get a card for the dispensary) and artists who inspire a speech about being able to enjoy a song for just being a song (most recently: The Foo Fighters).

    Socialism meant “a free and equal society.” Then she wrote “The only people I really hate are servants. They are not really human beings at all.”

    There’s a group of folks that used to be called the “Genteel Poor”. Families that might have maintained some sort of inheritance if they had kept it to 2 children rather than 9, families that are exceptionally educated but in positions that don’t make a whole lot of money (teachers, clergymen), and lower-middles who aspire to something with “upper” in there.

    It’s easy to be a socialist when the only poor people you ever have real conversations with are the genteel poor. It’s *WRONG* that this masterfully intelligent young woman be stuck behind a poorly kept desk in a poorly kept building in a poorly kept archive. Her star shines twice as bright as the vamps who consider themselves ingénues who show up at the estate parties.

    Hey! Austen should write a book about that!

    Anyway, I’m guessing that the quote is tied to a handful of the genteel poor folk that she admires and a handful of the landed gentry that she despises. Their stuff should be shuffled up and redistributed… including the servants. The genteel poor would be much kinder to the servants than the gentry is.Report

    • Ben Sears in reply to Jaybird

      [Smiling nod towards the Austen comment]
      I don’t know if you saw video of Fonda canvasing in Michigan for Harris. No way she’s cold knocking on houses. They had to vet for vets or that pr clip could have been a pr disaster.Report

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