Group Discussion: Banning Social Media Influencers From Small Towns

Andrew Donaldson

Born and raised in West Virginia, Andrew has been the Managing Editor of Ordinary Times since 2018, is a widely published opinion writer, and appears in media, radio, and occasionally as a talking head on TV. He can usually be found misspelling/misusing words on Twitter@four4thefire. Andrew is the host of Heard Tell podcast. Subscribe to Andrew'sHeard Tell Substack for free here:

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15 Responses

  1. Jaybird

    I see a difference between “ban social media influencers from small towns” and “have social media influencers stop trespassing and pooping while they trespass”.

    I think social media influencers are great, if they come in, spend a little money at the Tay-Steee Frïïz, take a picture, then leave? Great! See you next year!

    They come in, get their car stuck in the mud, jump Farmer Johnson’s fence, then poop next to his cows?

    Yeah. I’m vaguely opposed to that.Report

    • Andrew Donaldson in reply to Jaybird

      This has become a huge issue in the New River Gorge in WV since it became a National Park. The old Fayette Station road, which is what the now-world famous bridge replaced, that winds down into the canyon and back up the other side is really only a one lane road for modern vehicles, with a bridge that can only take one vehicle at a time down at the bottom. With the increase in traffic they made it a one-way road (on the four lane modern road and bridge the entry and exit points are only 1.5 miles apart) to try and help with the crush but folks taking RVs down – despite posted signs not to – and pulling over to take pics where there is no room to pull over has made it all but impassible in the summer and especially the fall when the leaves change and rafting season really kicks up and the rafting company buses add to the fun.Report

  2. Damon

    All we need is one old guy to run out of his picturesque house carrying a double barrel shot gun shouting “get off my property” and firing off a few rounds. Problem would likely be solved.Report

  3. Saul Degraw

    Ah tourism, the great thing of hypocrisy. Most of us simultaneously want to travel while also disliking tourists in our own neighborhoods. Tourist money is wanted and hated too.Report

    • Jaybird in reply to Saul Degraw

      In this case, the problem is tourists showing up, getting their cars stuck, trespassing, and pooping on the land that they’re trespassing on.

      If it were a case of tourists showing up, spending money, and pooping in the designated terlits, the people complaining would sound like a bunch of cranks.Report

  4. DavidTC

    Goodwin says social media influencers would regularly climb over a gate plastered with “No Trespassing” signs, set up changing booths to accommodate their many costume swaps, get their “city cars” stuck on the narrow dirt road, and leave bodily waste by the roadside.

    It’s kinda weird how cops never seem to just wait and arrest these sort of people. Just stand there, out of sight, wait for someone to climb over the fence with a posted No Trespassing right, and immediately arrest them. Or who drive a RV ten feet onto a road clearly marked to not allowed RVs. Park a cop car twenty fee down the road, out of sight, sirens flip on, people get an immediate ticket.

    Seems like it would be a bunch of easy arrests. I know there are arguments the system would be overwhelmed, but they have not even _started_. And surely word would spread.

    I mean, isn’t this the premise of ‘tough on crime’ the ‘broken windows’ policing, that if you start enforcing this stuff, everything else gets better? It sure is odd how much the police force is working to try to divert people away, instead of just locking them up and sending a message. Or at minimum towing their cars.

    It’s almost as if the cops think there’s certain kinds of people who should be arrested, and another kind of people who should just be warned, and the actual problem here that the ‘people who should just be warned’ are an infinite supply of stupidity rotating in, so the warnings never matter.Report

    • Jaybird in reply to DavidTC

      Tickets would be a great solution. The department could always use extra dough. $100 ticket for trespassing, hand out a couple dozen of those a day, you’re talking real money by the end of the month!Report

      • DavidTC in reply to Jaybird

        I mean, I feel like you’re joking, but this is actually how a lot of urban police departments operate, often in incredibly racist ways.

        Anyone want to look back up the stats for Ferguson and what was happening there? In the end, the DOJ actually found the Ferguson city council relied on fines and other charges generated by the police for funding municipal services. Like, they literally couldn’t operate without the level of fines they were giving out, so had absolutely no incentive to reduce crime.

        I just find it funny that no one ever seems to consider doing the same for the crimes that white people commit. Which are actually much worse than in Ferguson, which had fines for such insane things as ‘giving the nickname Mike instead of Michael’ and fining people for window tint, along with the always fun ‘loitering’. At least ‘extremely blatant trespassing in direct violation of a no trespassing sign’ is a crime that most people agree should be prosecuted.

        If this was purely a monetary thing, the police could just stand there and let the money roll in. But of course it’s not purely a monetary thing, it’s also a system of control and maintaining the status quo and keeping certain underclasses the underclass and not poking the people who are not the underclass.Report

        • Jaybird in reply to DavidTC

          They may be “white” but they’re also “fancy”. If they can afford to be influencers, they can afford to be ticketed a couple C-notes for pooping in a field. And what will the influencers do?

          They’re not going to vote against the Sheriff in the next election. They’re not even from here.

          Seriously. Tickets would be a great solution.

          Pretend these influencers have California plates.Report

        • Dark Matter in reply to DavidTC

          It’s a mistake to jump from “Fergusons exist” to “any random city must be Ferguson”.

          Most cities aren’t Ferguson and don’t want to be.Report

    • DensityDuck in reply to DavidTC

      (before suggesting that the town is refusing to arrest people because They’re White you probably should have looked up the town of Pomfrey VT and checked whether it actually has a police department)Report

  5. DensityDuck

    Oh hey there Commons, how are things? Still Tragic? Yep, well, that’s what we figured. OK, well, good luck to you!Report

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