Throughput: MPox Redux Edition

Michael Siegel

Michael Siegel is an astronomer living in Pennsylvania. He blogs at his own site, and has written a novel.

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5 Responses

  1. Jaybird

    Mpox, from what I understand, is still primarily transmitted though… how to say delicately… “intimate touching”.

    You won’t get it from picking up a can of beans at the grocery store that someone else has licked while making a viral video.

    Unless that has changed… Is the new variant of Mpox something that you’ll pick up if you’re not wearing gloves when you go to the grocery store after someone viral goes there?Report

    • Michael Siegel in reply to Jaybird

      Previous iterations were spread by skin-to-skin contact or bodily fluids (or by eating the meat of infected animals). So it would spread rapidly among kids when they were playing and so on. Right now, we still think that’s the case and it doesn’t spread through fomites. So that can of beans fine. But it may be more easily caught in skin-to-skin contact.Report

  2. Chip Daniels

    We can’t undo the damage that was done by the anti-vaxx and anti-mask people, but in a few months there is a national election and the American people do have the ability to reject the politicians who lied their asses off and campaigned on fear and ignorance and cost the lives of tens of thousands of peopl eneedlessly.

    And we can and should name them directly- they are primarily located in the Republican Party of Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis.Report

    • Damon in reply to Chip Daniels

      Let’s not forget that the bureaucratic federal administration, in particular Fauci, LIED (his admission) to the American public about the advice he gave to the public. Politicians like–that’s what they do. Federal employees should NOT lie. Frankly, I consider that far worse than a politician lying.Report

  3. Pinky

    ThTh2 – To be clear, there were no statewide vaccine mandates. As the article says,

    “Additional data on COVID-19 related mask and vaccine mandates were incorporated including whether state government or school employees were required to or prohibited from being required to be vaccinated as of February 2022, and whether there were mask requirements in schools. The details of state vaccination mandates varied. Typically, the requirement was that state and local government employees be vaccinated or subjected to regular testing. Sometimes the vaccination mandates covered other groups, such as healthcare workers or staff in some health care facilities.”

    It also looks like they only counted state restrictions, not local ones. In MD, rules varied by county based on severity.Report

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