Weekend Plans Post: Reacher Reviewed


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to AskJaybird-at-gmail.com

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4 Responses

  1. Michael Siegel

    Reacher is fun because it’s simple: large man beats up bad people. I enjoyed Season One. Have yet to watch Two.Report

  2. fillyjonk

    I dunno. I don’t have streaming services so summer tv for me is basically re-runs or the godawfully high-frequency-shown “Big Brother” (Do people actually like that show? I know I’m a weirdo but you’d have to pay me an awful lot for me to watch it, and even then, I’d want to have a book or something to read while it was on.

    It’s brutally hot here. Three or so days in a row with heat indexes over 105. I was thinking of going to the larger of the local groceries (the wal-mart) for shopping after some routine imaging I had done this morning, but when I walked out of it after 9 am it was already so hot. Might still drive out there and see if there’s a parking space close. Otherwise I’ll make do with what I can get at one of the small groceries.

    I’m also having a bad pain day (knee, but not just knee) so doing anything that involves being out in the heat is less desirable. Also classes start Monday so I feel like I need to rest up before the delugeReport

    • Jaybird in reply to fillyjonk

      If our household was limited to one streaming service, it’d be Amazon Prime. Not because the streaming is so awesome (though Fallout and Reacher were both better than I thought they’d be), it’s because half of our staples are purchased from Amazon anymore and Amazon Prime makes that significantly less onerous to do stuff we were gonna do anyway. Dish sponges? Laundry detergent? Cat food? The really good ginger shampoo? It shows up on the porch. And we get Reacher for free on top of it.Report

  3. Jaybird

    A million year ago, I checked the lyrics for the songs on my Cocteau Twins album. As it turns out… there were some.

    Anyway, here’s the song Carolyn’s Fingers:

    And here are the lyrics:

    When he said, ‘You are full of love’
    She fell down into this dirty mess
    Some people see me laugh and tell us,
    ‘It’s wrong to make fun of me’

    (Even they don’t give any more)
    (Try, try to fall)
    She fell down into this mess
    (Even then they don’t give)
    (Try, try to fall)
    She fell down and he’s so sick of it all
    And of me

    This part not out of her saw fit to drop
    Whispers might prove it all
    (You’re just closer to me when you fall, but you broke)
    This would prove it all
    (You just closer to me, but you broke)
    This would prove it all
    Sleep now
    You susur, try to talk
    Reach out for that hand

    Reach out for that hand
    (And even they don’t give any more)
    (Try, try to fall)
    Even then they don’t give
    (Try, try to fall)
    You just closer to me at the fall
    But you don’t want, want me hand
    You’re just closer to me
    But you don’t want, want my hand

    Yeah. I don’t get it either.Report

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