The Case for Gratitude That Joe Biden Stepped Down

Expat Matt

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13 Responses

  1. Jaybird

    In public, I am more than happy enough to say stuff like “Biden did a fine job acting as transitional president away from Trump” but, behind closed doors, I’ll say stuff like “If he dropped out in springtime 2024, a lot of things could have been avoided”.

    The reason that I thought that Biden should step down was *NOT* because “Biden Bad” or anything like that.

    It’s because Biden was on track to lose. Not just according to the wacky OANN and Newsmax polls but according to pollsters who have a somewhat demonstrated track record and, rumor now has it, democratic internal polling.

    I tended to think that if the Democratic Party wanted to win this upcoming election, one I’ve been told is the most important of our lifetimes, they’d have to do something like “run someone other than Biden”.

    Well, now they’re going to run someone other than Biden.

    I also know that running someone other than Biden is not a guarantee that the Democrats won’t lose… but it’s a pre-req.

    Biden stepping down is a pre-req to running someone other than Biden.

    So, hurray, he did what was necessary to have the Dems win (not sufficient, mind… but necessary) and that’s a pre-req to winning. If it turns out that the election will still be lost, this becomes a “woulda coulda shoulda” and I’ll be back to saying that it should have happened in the spring.

    Heck, it should have happened last year. Maybe 2022.

    But if it’s important to call Biden stepping down over the weekend admirable to make it easier for the next candidate to step down… sure.

    Is there a gameplan for how we treat the people demanding that Biden stay in for as long as he did? Do we want to make that more costly in the future?Report

    • DensityDuck in reply to Jaybird

      ‘Is there a gameplan for how we treat the people demanding that Biden stay in for as long as he did? Do we want to make that more costly in the future?”

      Brother, we can’t even get people to admit that “N95 masks are about all the protection you need from COVID” was the right take all along; you’re certainly not going to get them to admit that Biden was too old for the job.Report

  2. CJColucci

    Is there a gameplan for how we treat the people demanding that Biden stay in for as long as he did? Do we want to make that more costly in the future?

    The “gameplan” for how “we” — presumably Democrats — treat people who stuck with Biden longer than some of us think they should have is to take the win, encourage their work and their votes for the new ticket, and gracefully accept them. There is no obvious reason to make “that” — whatever “that” is beyond mere disagreement on handling what is more than likely a one-off situation we will never see again in our lives — more “costly” in the future. Especially if there is no obvious benefit to offset the cost.Report

  3. Greg In Ak

    Good piece. People and events are always complicated. We don’t learn and change at movie pace, we go fast, slow, really fast and then faster. People aren’t perfect. When they come to the correct decision that’s a good thing and should be applauded even if didn’t happen as everyone else wishes.Report

  4. Pinky

    Biden didn’t swallow his pride by stepping down; he followed it.Report

    • North in reply to Pinky

      As in you think his pride led him to believe that stepping down would be best for himself and his legacy. Could very well be- though acknowledging that would require, itself, a certain humility.Report

  5. Ken S

    Why is it that everyone seems to think they know exactly why Biden chose to stay in the race until yesterday, and what finally persuaded him to step down? Do you think that you are privy to his inner thoughts? Now that’s hubris.Report

  6. Steve Casburn

    Reading this post was a good use of my time. Thank you, Matt.Report

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