Open Mic for the week of 7/1/2024


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to

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55 Responses

  1. Saul Degraw

    Dan Drezner is correct, it is either Biden or Harris as the 2024 Democratic nominee for President:

    “First, sticking with Biden remains a very viable option. Despite his disastrous debate performance, it should be noted that the post-debate news has not been all that bad for Democrats. Biden raked in $27 million in campaign donations the day after the debate. Morning Consult’s morning-after poll showed that Biden did not lose any ground to Trump even though a majority believed that Trump won the debate. Biden’s poor performance might be causing many observers to overlook Trump’s uneven performance, with some undecided focus groups switching to Biden because they could tell that Trump was lying….”

    “Biden resigning this summer would generate three political advantages. First, Kamala Harris being sworn in as the first lady president would be, to quote Biden, a big fucking deal. It would be a suitable final act in Biden’s distinguished political biography. Second, it would make the November election a choice between former president Trump and President Harris. The move would put Harris at Trump’s level and eliminate experience as a Trump argument during the campaign. Finally, Harris being president would remove the inherent awkwardness that sitting vice presidents have faced when running for the top job: being unable to disagree or disavow the sitting president’s policies. Anything that makes it easier for Kamala Harris to not resemble Al Gore is a good thing.

    So, if you oppose Donald Trump’s re-election, your choice is sticking with Biden or opting for Harris in very short order. Everything else is stuff and nonsense.”Report

    • Jaybird in reply to Saul Degraw

      There aren’t a whole lot of really good options, that’s for sure.

      I do think that if Biden is going to step down between now and November that it’s better for him to step down this week than in October. September is better than October and August is better than September.

      “You’re saying that it’s a good idea for Biden to step down?!?”

      “No. I’m not. I’m saying it’s a risky idea that has a lot of downsides.”

      “So, therefore, you must think that it’s a better idea for Biden to stay in office!”

      “Um… yeah, I’m not sure about that either. It’s more that I think that there aren’t a whole lot of good options and the best options, the ones that actually qualify as *GOOD*, all happened back in 2019, 2020, and 2022 at the latest.”Report

      • fillyjonk in reply to Jaybird

        maybe I’m a cynic but I think 80% of the “he should step down” talk is newsies high on their own supply, who have discovered that this very brand of chaos keeps attention focused on them, and that’s what they want. 24 hour news channels were most likely a mistakeReport

        • Philip H in reply to fillyjonk

          Agreed 100%Report

        • Jaybird in reply to fillyjonk

          The comparison I saw was to a fourth down conversion attempt.

          Do we imagine that our opponents will be relieved when we say “we’re gonna punt”? If they’d be relieved, it’s probably a better play to go for a 1st down.

          If we imagine that they’d be laughing and rubbing their hands together if we were going to go for a conversion, it might be better to punt.

          How do we feel about our ability to get two yards?

          “But you don’t *KNOW* what’s going to happen!”
          “Neither do our opponents. But I’m willing to take how happy they’d be with our decision as a mild indicator.”Report

        • Michael Cain in reply to fillyjonk

          Also “Dems in disarray” is an axiom for them. The last three years must have been frustrating given the number of things Biden, Schumer, Pelosi, and Jeffries have finessed.Report

        • LeeEsq in reply to fillyjonk

          Liberal and left pundits are pushing for a brokered convention because it will give them oh so much to talk about. Their most intimate erotic fantasies come true.

          Chuck Todd: “We are at this wild and crazy convention and are about to talk to Ezra Klein about what is going on…um Ezra, why is there a spot near your crotch?”

          Ezra Klein: “Never mind, you have the same spot on your crotch as well, Chuck.”Report

        • James K in reply to fillyjonk

          And of course those newsies thought Biden was a bad idea the first time. Mostly because eh wasn’t interesting enough. People often talk about journalistic bias in terms of them being left-biased (because journalists tend to be liberals) or right-based (because media companies are corporations), but the media’s biggest biases are toward novelty and narrative.Report

  2. Philip H

    The GOP supports parents rights – except when it doesn’t:

    The Texas Supreme Court on Friday upheld a state ban on gender-affirming care for transgender minors that parents had argued unconstitutionally limited their right to seek care for their children. The 8-1 decision overturned a lower court’s ruling that the legislation violated the Texas Constitution.

    The law, which was passed last year, prohibits doctors from prescribing puberty-blocking drugs or hormone treatment for transgender minors, and it bars them from performing surgeries that change those patients’ physical characteristics to better match their gender identities. Under the legislation, children who began receiving such treatments before the bill was signed must eventually stop taking them, and medical professionals who violate the ban will lose their licenses.

  3. Jaybird

    The Harvard/Harris poll results are out (warning: PDF).

    Stuff to look at:

    Is the Country on the right/wrong track?
    Is the Economy on the right/wrong track?
    Is the Economy weak/strong?
    How is your Personal Financial Situation?
    Do you think your Personal Economic Situation is Excellent/Good/Fair/Poor?
    Approval rating stuff for both Biden and Trump.
    Polling on how Biden is doing on stuff like Jobs, the Middle East, Crime, Immigration and so on.
    Approval rating of GOP and and Democratic Party.
    Satisfaction level with Congress
    And, of course, the whole “What is your Top Issue?” question.

    Then it gets into the whole horserace questions that ask about Biden vs. Trump, Biden vs. Trump vs RFK, and the 5-way that includes the nuthouse parties.

    There are also questions about the debate, the various trials of the last few months, Immigration, and Israel/Palestine.

    Here’s a report from PBS about the problems with polling the public in 2022. I’m sure the problems have only gotten worse.Report

  4. Jaybird

    Biden has given a response to the Supreme Court ruling. You can catch it here.Report

  5. Jaybird

    I understand that the columnists don’t write the headlines but…

    The First Amendment Is Out of Control

    Maybe we can finally put creches back in front of City Hall.Report

  6. Philip H

    At the very least, voters appear uninformed about the candidates’ agendas. This would be understandable given that political media coverage often emphasizes the horserace rather than the issues (sometimes shorthanded as too much odds, not enough stakes). Journalists must provide better information about what each candidate intends to do if granted a second term, and how well those designs align with voters’ preferences.

    It’s also hard to escape the conclusion that Biden has been an ineffective messenger for an agenda that should be easy to sell. That was certainly the case at last week’s disastrous debate performance, when he failed to articulate (or sometimes even remember) what his positions were and why they were superior to Trump’s.

    But this problem long predates his debate performance. Trump, the master marketer, somehow managed to convince the public that he’s on the right side of every issue, details be damned. And Biden somehow managed (so far anyway) to take a winning platform and sink it.

  7. Jaybird

    Igor Bobic, Senior Politics Reporter at Huffpo, reports:



  8. LeeEsq

    The Labour government of Wales has decided to make it illegal to lie in politics. This seems like an idea that is much better in theory than practice. Besides the difficulty of determining what is actually a lie, which in politics will be highly ideological, and who gets to determine what a lie is; this is basically good faith people giving bad faith people a new toy to play with. I really have no idea why so many really intelligent people can get so incredibly dumb on these issues.

  9. Jaybird

    From the AP: Taiwan says China’s coast guard has detained a Taiwanese fishing vessel and demands its release

    Taiwan said the Chinese coast guard boarded a Taiwanese fishing boat Tuesday before steering it to a port in mainland China, and demanded that Beijing release the vessel.

    The Tachinman 88 was intercepted by two Chinese vessels Tuesday evening near the Kinmen archipelago, which lies a short distance off China’s coast but is controlled by Taiwan, Taiwanese maritime authorities said in a statement.

    Taiwan dispatched three vessels to rescue the Tachinman 88, but the one that got close to the fishing boat were blocked by three Chinese boats and told not to interfere, the statement said. The pursuit was called off to avoid escalating the conflict after Taiwan’s maritime authorities detected that four more Chinese vessels were moving closer, the statement added.

    Oh, good. Glad that the conflict wasn’t escalated.

    Why in the world is China pulling this crap *NOW*?Report

    • Philip H in reply to Jaybird

      Because China – like Russia and Israel – has looming domestic political problems of its own making, and so sabre rattling is a foregone conclusive way to distract. That and China is still unwilling to let Taiwan actually go.Report

    • Michael Cain in reply to Jaybird

      Why in the world is China pulling this crap *NOW*?

      The other large powers in the world are currently distracted. The US is distracted by the Supreme Court and election chaos. The UK is distracted by its elections (and possible extinction of the Conservative Party) tomorrow. France is distracted by its own set of elections. The EU and NATO are distracted by Ukraine. Israel/Gaza is distracting almost everyone.

      If the PRC is looking to squeeze Taiwan a bit harder, rolling over the Kinmen islands is the obvious step.Report

  10. Damon

    Electric Amazon Delivery Vans Keep Burning Down, And Chargers May Be To Blame

    ” Posts in Amazon worker subreddits show a similar situation last August in Salt Lake City, where another set of vans burned in a distribution center parking lot.”

    So is it the chargers, the trucks, the heat, some combo? Fear for your packages people…fear for your stuff. I wonder who’s paying to replace those trucks?Report

  11. Jaybird

    A fun headline from CNN: Biden’s mental fitness could have been better covered leading up to the debate, some White House reporters acknowledge

    From the story:

    “It makes sense to reflect on this now and ask whether we missed or, really, under-reported the story of Biden’s age and decline. But it’s complicated,” one of the reporters said. “The fact that the political alternative to Biden is an authoritarian who sparked an insurrection and is a convicted felon does not mean that the press is failing American democracy to focus on Biden’s obvious frailty.”

    It’s complicated, that’s for sure.Report

  12. Philip H

    Justice Department officials plan to pursue the criminal cases against Donald Trump past Election Day even if he wins, under the belief that department rules against charging or prosecuting a sitting president would not kick in until Inauguration Day in January, according to people familiar with the discussions.

    • CJColucci in reply to Philip H

      Until the inauguration, Joe Biden (or some other Democrat) will still be President. If and when Trump becomes President, things will change. Until then, not.Report

  13. Jaybird

    Okay. This one is funny

    The New York Times put out this story: Biden Told Ally That He Is Weighing Whether to Continue in the Race. Brian Stelter tweeted the story out at 8:52.

    Seven minutes later, at 8:57, White House Senior Deputy Press Secretary and Deputy Assistant to the President Andrew Bates tweeted out “That claim is absolutely false. If the New York Times had provided us with more than 7 minutes to comment we would have told them so.”

    Since then, ABC News has run the same story with the correction that the NYT has now included in its story. Check out this headline: Biden privately signals ‘open mind’ on path forward, sees next few days as critical: Sources

    Now check out this subhed: “This is false,” a White House spokesman said.

    Be sure to trust the stories you read tomorrow, of course.Report

    • Pinky in reply to Jaybird

      Last I heard, CNN was confirming the NYT story.Report

    • Pinky in reply to Jaybird

      Biden’s in a no-win position. He can’t prove he’s of sound mind. His interview will be taped, probably between 10am and 4pm. ABC will show excerpts, then release the “full” excerpts. The only people who will be convinced are those who already believe. In everyone else’s eyes, he’ll be under scrutiny that I probably would fail under. “Look, at 4:28, you can see he looks confused.”Report

    • Jaybird in reply to Jaybird

      Here’s one from an hour ago:

      Is it true? Is it not true? Who can say?

      Tune in tomorrow to find out!Report

  14. Steve Casburn

    Back when it was still called “Twitter”, it was used by one young man to share with the world that he was looking forward to the day (which he figured would be about five years hence) when young ladies would be fighting amongst themselves to be impregnated by unvaccinated sperm, and he would be ready.

    Wonder what hope keeps him going THESE days?Report

  15. Chip Daniels

    Here’s what is at stake in the election.
    The Justice Department is investigating a corrupt police force and city government in rural Mississippi.

    Under President Biden and President Barack Obama, the nation’s premier law enforcement agency has launched investigations of dozens of cities for unconstitutional policing since 2009, including New Orleans; Oakland, Calif.; and Louisville. When it finds a pattern and practice of wrongdoing, the civil rights division generally seeks a court-mandated compliance agreement. Justice Department civil rights officials may also recommend that the department’s criminal division consider bringing charges.

    Depending on which way the election goes, the people of these towns may find that the DOJ suddenly loses interest in their plight.Report

  16. Jaybird

    From New York Times Opinion: Why I Don’t Vote. (They changed the title from “Why I Don’t Vote. And Why Maybe You Shouldn’t Either.”)

    Abstinence is having what I believe is called a moment. Everywhere a vast literature of self-denial proclaims the benefits of not drinking, not eating carbohydrates, not having sex, not watering one’s lawn. Practically the only thing from which the American people are not serially asked to refrain happens to be the one vice that I have managed to renounce, in my case with very little difficulty. I mean, of course, voting.

    “Why does anyone vote?” I ask myself. The answer cannot be that we believe that by doing so, we will influence the outcome of an election. My vote, were it not withheld, would have no such effect. This is true even at the county or municipal level. The vote margins for the State of Florida in the presidential election of 2000 — the closest in modern American history — were in the hundreds, not the single digits. Voting is, strictly speaking, pointless.

    Let’s hope that the Rethuglicans all read this one!Report

  17. Saul Degraw

    When a Republican is paid to troll NY Times readers with psyops, I suggest Democrats should do the opposite:

  18. Philip H

    TFG’s attorneys are now claiming the fake electors his campaign created were ” official acts:

    “We’ve admitted consistently that there are acts alleged in the indictment that would constitute private conduct but we believe that if the official conduct, the immune acts in the indictment are stripped away, that Jack Smith doesn’t have a case, that this case should be dismissed on that basis,” he said.

    When pressed by Collins whether using a “false slates of electors” would constitute enough for a trial, Scharf denied that the Trump team had used false slates and said using “alternate slates” was an “official act.”

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