Supreme Court Unanimously Rejects Abortion Medication Restriction on Legal Standing

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5 Responses

  1. DensityDuck

    I really don’t like these “reversed for lack of standing” decisions. If you’re going to overrule multiple lower courts then there ought to at least be some argument about it, because that’s a tool that’s eventually going to be used for stuff people don’t like.

    “You claimed that racial bias in hiring harmed you, and the Circuit Court agreed. But you went to another employer and got a perfectly good job anyway, just not that one, so as far as we can tell you weren’t harmed; decision reversed for lack of standing, next please.”

    “You claim that not being able to get an abortion in your home state harmed you, but then you went and got one in another state, so you got what you wanted, no harm, lack of standing, GTFO.”

    And let’s be clear, this ruling was absolutely not about preserving womens’ rights to get an abortion, this was about “we aren’t going to declare the FDA un-Constitutional today”.Report

  2. Brandon Berg

    You won’t believe what those far-right hacks did this time!Report

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