Music Monday: Metal Songs In Which The Singer Barks Like A Dog

A dog singing death metal in a basement, Created by Bryan O’Nolan using AI. Public domain.
Who is the Ordinary Times reader? He or she is well-read, attractive, urbane, erudite, sophisticated. Next to their easy chair in the family library is a stack of all the top journals in politics, letters, and the arts and sciences upon which rests a well thumbed copy – too well-thumbed, in fact, to be their first copy – of their favorite book. The Ordinary Times reader is in the world, but not of the world; they are familiar with the great variety of humanity, from the pitiable to the laudable. It is thus with deep regret that I publish this week’s Music Monday.
Yes, there are a collection of metal bands whose singers bark like a dog, to wit:
Which of course brings to mind this moment:
While most of these fall into the Barkcore genre I have just invented, there is also at least one example in the Boybandcore genre I have also just invented.
At some point a metal band was about to hit their big breakdown and for reasons no one can explain, and few would even attempt to devine, the lead singer barked. Barked like a dog. And then – here is the most inexplicable moment of all, a bunch of people who’s idea of a good time is bringing about premature deafness and dancing as violently as possible. Thought to themselves, “Well, that was cool.”
This was the birth of Barkcore aka Pawpatrolcore, and now there’s a collection of nincompoops who bark like my dog when the Amazon guy pulls up in front of the house and imagine themselves to be dark and the baddest of asses.
Kids these days.
What’s next, Frogcore? Cicadacore? Belchcore? Klaxoncore?
How much dumber can we get?
America, please do not consider my previous sentence to be a hold-my-beer challenge.
And yet a trace of the true self exists in the false self.
I object to this characterization of OT readers and commentariat. For years I spent many weekends deep in the pit for underground metal bands. In short, don’t knock it until you try it.
Unfortunately I have had to relegate myself to old guy in the back when I go these days. However in my first white collar job prior to law school I got a serious shiner and could barely open my eye for two weeks. This was much discussed and a topic of many jokes in the office. A few years later I got a less severe but visible injury to my face at a show I went to while in a temp legal position, and while also deemed humorous I got the message that it would probably not be good for my career if it kept happening. Much to my chagrin it turns out there is no lawyer street cred for looking like you went to fight club the night before.
Side note, all injuries were accidental. In my experience there is a certain code of honor to the pit, that no one is supposed to be intentionally injured beyond a little bruising. Back in ’05 I was even helped by fellow fans to a medical tent at Ozzfest after I got a huge gash on my elbow that needed stitches. In that case I blame the idiots who run Wolf Trap in Virginia for putting the second stage in a huge field of gravel.Report
wait, you’re not going show Caninus?