Music Monday: Metal Songs In Which The Singer Barks Like A Dog

Bryan O'Nolan

Bryan O'Nolan is the the most highly paid investigative reporter at Ordinary Times. He lives in New Hampshire. He is available for effusive praise on Twitter. He can be contacted with thoughtfully couched criticism via email. His short story collection Mike Pence & Me is currently available from Amazon.

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3 Responses

  1. Jaybird

    And yet a trace of the true self exists in the false self.


  2. InMD

    I object to this characterization of OT readers and commentariat. For years I spent many weekends deep in the pit for underground metal bands. In short, don’t knock it until you try it.

    Unfortunately I have had to relegate myself to old guy in the back when I go these days. However in my first white collar job prior to law school I got a serious shiner and could barely open my eye for two weeks. This was much discussed and a topic of many jokes in the office. A few years later I got a less severe but visible injury to my face at a show I went to while in a temp legal position, and while also deemed humorous I got the message that it would probably not be good for my career if it kept happening. Much to my chagrin it turns out there is no lawyer street cred for looking like you went to fight club the night before.

    Side note, all injuries were accidental. In my experience there is a certain code of honor to the pit, that no one is supposed to be intentionally injured beyond a little bruising. Back in ’05 I was even helped by fellow fans to a medical tent at Ozzfest after I got a huge gash on my elbow that needed stitches. In that case I blame the idiots who run Wolf Trap in Virginia for putting the second stage in a huge field of gravel.Report

  3. DensityDuck

    wait, you’re not going show Caninus?

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