Saturday Morning Gaming: Pikmin Bloom and Getting Your Steps In


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to

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8 Responses

  1. Brandon Berg

    Most educated people know about Simplified Chinese: Back in the 50s, the CCP simplied the structure of many Chinese characters in an attempt to increase literacy, although I don’t think there’s any evidence that it actually makes it easier to learn to read; the only real advantage is that they’re faster to write by hand. Anyway, since that time, simplified characters have been used in China, and Singapore jumped on board in the 70s, while traditional characters are still used in Hong Kong and Taiwan.

    Fewer people know about simplified Japanese. After World War II, Japan also simplified some characters, although the changes were more limited, with only about 350 characters being affected. For example, Yokohama changed from 横濱 to 横浜, geisha changed from 藝者 to 芸者, and Yen changed from 圓 to 円. More apropos to this post, the character for 10,000 was changed from 萬 to the previously obscure 万, the former originating from a pictograph of a scorpion.

    Which is to say, the belief that 10,000 steps per day is optimum for good health is, in part, the result of a bureaucratic decree that 10,000 should look like a guy walking instead of a scorpion.Report

  2. Michael Cain

    About the time I turned 60, the docs quit nagging me about aerobic goals and started nagging about strength training goals. I am not consistent in meeting goals, but do try to spend some time doing exercises with body weight and a pair of 20-pound dumbbells every week. Which was useful last week when, as I noted in a comment then, I had to climb up and retrieve granddaughter #3 (aged two and a few months) who had climbed to the top of one of these and couldn’t figure out the way down.

  3. Reformed Republican

    I played Pikmin Bloom for a bit. I will still open it up if I am visiting someplace to get some different post cards.

    If you want something similar, but with a little more “game” to it, Monster Hunter Now, by the same company, is a lot of fun. You walk around, hunt monsters, and use their parts to make better weapons and armor to hunt stronger monsters. The combat isn’t too complicated, but they do a surprisingly good job of adapting the franchise to the mobile format. The fights take no more than 90 seconds.

    I have also started trying to get more physical activity over the past few months. For me, it’s trying to deal with back issues. I started walking on a treadmill, but it was cheap and limited. Last week, I decided to try a Couch to 5K program alternated with other aerobic activity on the other days, as well as doing exercises to strengthen my core. I have tried to do the Couch to 5K a few times before, but never finished. I think I will get through it this time, though.Report

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