The Flag Flap

Photo by Djembayz, CC BY-SA 4.0
The brouhaha regarding the Alito family’s flag practices has escalated.
The controversy originally erupted when it was revealed that the Alitos had flown an inverted American flag at their house shortly after January 6. The Alitos say that the flag was raised by Justice Alito’s wife, Martha Ann, in response to a neighbor who had placed obscene anti-Trump signs in his yard along with others that said the Alitos “were complicit” in Trump’s attempt to steal the election. Justice Alito denied playing a role in the hoisting of the flag and denied that it was a political protest but said that it reflected Mrs. Alito’s frustration with the neighborhood dispute.
The American flag code says, “The flag should never be displayed with the union (blue field of stars) down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property,” but the inverted flag has become a form of political protest on both sides.
Flying the inverted flag was wrong, both in terms of proper display and as an instance of apparent partisanship by a Supreme Court justice. There was no evidence of extreme danger in the situation, but there is also no evidence that Justice Alito had anything to do with it.
Having said that, I’m extremely skeptical that Martha Ann didn’t have a political agenda with the flag. Flying an inverted flag is not a logical or rational response to being called names by a neighbor (who seems to be a real jerk), but that does not go against the Supreme Court’s code of ethics, especially since Martha Ann is not a justice.
The problem escalated with reports that the Alitos flew an “Appeal to Heaven” flag outside their beach house. Also called the “Pine Tree” flag, the banner dates back to the Revolutionary War. The blog notes that the flag was designed by Col. Joseph Reed, a secretary to George Washington, for use on six warships in 1775. The flag was adopted by the Massachusetts Navy in 1776. Similar flags were used even earlier.
The phrase, “appeal to Heaven,” comes from the philosopher John Locke, who wrote that people must sometimes depend on God for protection, while the symbolism of the pine tree is that of resistance to the king and parliament. In 1771, parliament passed a law that banned the harvesting of white pines with diameters greater than 12 inches. These trees were to be reserved for use as masts on ships, which meant that colonists could not use the trees on their own land. This led to the Pine Tree Riot in New Hampshire in 1772.
I’m a history buff, as I’ve mentioned before, but all of this was news to me. Despite reading a lot about the Revolution, the first time that I can ever recall seeing a Pine Tree flag was a couple of years ago, after January 6, when a neighbor posted one. I looked it up at the time and found that it was a Revolutionary War symbol that had been co-opted by the Stop the Steal movement. In fact, these neighbors also have a large “Q” decal on their car, which I viewed as a warning label when they moved in.
They haven’t flown the Pine Tree flag in a while, but they have had an inverted American flag in front of their house for a long time now. I consider this misuse of the flag as being disrespectful to both the flag and the United States.
I suspect that most Americans are like me in that they were unaware of the Pine Tree flag until a short while ago. Although I don’t recall seeing the flag on January 6, it was there along with Trump flags, Christian flags, and Gadsen (“Don’t Tread on Me”) flags.
The undated American Flags blog post notes the Pine Tree flag is “Popular among Republicans and Christians, it is seen as a symbol of Christian nationalism, often flying on the National Day of Prayer.”
Don’t confuse Christian Nationalism with Christianity. Christianity is a religion. Christian Nationalism is an authoritarian political ideology that replaces the personal relationship with Christ with government edicts that mandate what the Christian Nationalists see as “Christian behavior.” This is a pharisaical mindset that can go far beyond Biblical admonitions.
So that is the context in which the flag flew over the Alito beach house. Per Forbes, the flag was seen flying at the property at least four times between July and September 2023.
Is Samuel Alito a Christian Nationalist? I have no idea. He is a Christian and a Catholic (although I know some evangelicals who would argue that you can’t be both), and he is a conservative. Those intersection of those two demographics could explain the flag without him being a Christian Nationalist.
I’ll also note that Alito was part of the Supreme Court that Trump and his allies petitioned at least three times to hear cases relating to Trump’s attempt to steal the election. The neighbor who accused the Alitos of being “complicit” was probably unaware that the Court dismissed a Texas lawsuit seeking to deny certification of the vote in states that Trump lost. In that case, Alito wrote that he “would not grant other relief” aside from hearing the case since the Court has original jurisdiction in disputes between the states. In two other cases (Donald J. Trump For President Inc. vs. Boockvar and Kelly v. Pennsylvania), the Court declined to hear the Trump cases. If Alito is a Trumper or Christian Nationalist, his sympathies have not given Trump reliable votes in the election cases.
As far as Alito’s conduct with the flag, it does appear to violate the Supreme Court’s Code of Conduct, which states that justices should “avoid the appearance of impropriety in all activities,” but the code was not adopted until November 2023, after the Appeal to Heaven flag was flown. I haven’t seen evidence that it was flown since.
The code also lays out the grounds for recusal. The list is somewhat repetitive but it boils down to:
- Personal bias or prejudice concerning a party before the Court
- Personal knowledge of disputed facts
- Personal relationship with a party before the Court
- Expressing an opinion concerning the merits of a case during prior government or judicial service
None of these grounds for disqualification seem to apply to Alito, and the code states, “A Justice is presumed impartial and has an obligation to sit unless disqualified.”
It’s also true that other justices, such as the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg, have been far more politically active than Alito, who is not directly tied to flying the flag or being a Trump supporter. Needless to say, Ginsburg and others did not recuse themselves after directly criticizing parties to cases or having spouses who were politically outspoken.
And spousal activities are not covered by the Code of Conduct at all. While I do agree that SCOTUS spouses should act sensibly and not engage in political activity that reflects poorly on their justice, that is just my opinion and not a requirement. Maybe it should be codified since the actions of Martha Ann Alito and Ginni Thomas have both done a lot to discredit the Supreme Court.
The bottom line is that there is no evidence that Justice Alito did anything to violate the Code of Conduct or even that he is sympathetic to Donald Trump. There is much angst over Alito’s upcoming vote in the presidential immunity case, but I’ll bet that Alito will vote to affirm the idea that presidents do not have “total immunity.” The only question in my mind is where the Court will draw the line.
Having said all that, I do find it troubling that Supreme Court justices may be involved with the Stop the Steal movement. And even though Alito voted against Trump on the election lawsuits, his position on other cases, such as Moore v. Harper, which tested the independent state legislature theory, is more troubling. But again, having flawed viewpoints is not grounds for recusal, and anyone who thinks that Alito and Thomas will be impeached is fooling himself.
It’s also important to note that it isn’t just the left that is critical of the Alito flag-waving. Several prominent Republican senators agreed that flying the American flag upside down was a bad choice, although they may be retreating from that position now that it has become a political litmus test.
In my experience, military people are some of the biggest sticklers for correctly displaying the American flag. I’ve heard many complain about the pickup trucks that run down the road with an American flag secured behind the cab and flapping in the slipstream. I’d be willing to bet that many veterans are looking askance at the inverted flag as well, although they may not be comfortable saying so publicly.
But then we come to those on the right who are rushing to virtue signal by posting and buying Pine Tree flags. They were probably as unaware as I was of the flag and its history until the past few weeks, but now the Appeal to Heaven is a cherished symbol of the Revolution. I’m not buying it. For most of these people, the problem seems to be more the media calling attention to the hijacking of the Pine Tree flag by right-wing radicals rather than the use of the flag by the radical fringe itself.
This reminds me of nothing so much as the Confederate flag. There is an argument that the Confederate flag is a symbol of Southern heritage and history rather than a racist symbol. Once upon a time, I held this view myself.
But Atlanta talk radio host Neal Boortz (aka “the Talkmeister”) changed my mind on the issue. Boortz pointed out that maybe the Confederate flag was about Southern heritage at one point, but that changed when it was used by the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s and the segregationists in the 1950s and 1960s. If people who weren’t racists wanted to keep the flag as a nonracial symbol of history and heritage, they should have spoken out when the racists adopted it. These days, it has become a racist symbol. (And for what it’s worth, the Confederacy was racist. If you don’t believe me, read their own words in their Declarations of Causes for secession.)
I can understand wanting to preserve the Pine Tree flag as a historical symbol, but if Republicans want to do that, attacking the media is not the right strategy. If Republicans want to prevent the Pine Tree from being co-opted as a hateful symbol, they need to weed the hateful people out of their party. The real problem is not that the Alitos flew a Revolutionary War flag, it’s that the Republican Party has been infiltrated by radicals and traditional Republicans are afraid to call them out.
The flag is not the real issue. The real issue is that Republicans continue to excuse and rationalize the Trumpist attack on the Capitol and attempt to steal the election. It is not the media’s fault that Republicans ignored the radical fringe usage of the Pine Tree flag until the Alito flag backlash.
I’ll believe that Republicans want to preserve the historic meaning of the Pine Tree flag when I see them start to call out QAnon, election deniers, and Christian Nationalists who fly the banner. Until then, my position is that good and reasonable people should not associate themselves with what has become a banner that is representative of right-wing extremism. If Republicans don’t like that, they have no one to blame but themselves for allowing the radicalism to take root in their party.
Let’s agree to respect the American flag and other historical symbols. Both sides love America and neither has a monopoly on patriotism. When one side tries to coopt national symbols, it is inherently divisive and damaging to national unity. The same applies to politicizing religion.
And finally, only fly the American flag upside down if you are in life-threatening danger, not when someone calls you names.
The part that irritates me the most is the difference of “before” and “after” on the Wikipedia page dedicated to this flag.
The flag is just a data point documenting Alito’s bias and inability to be impartial.
Added to Ginni Thomas’s embrace of the insurrection, and it becomes clear that these two can’t be trusted to fulfill the duty of their office.Report
I know that you’re not arguing that bias and inability to be impartial is a bad thing, Chip. As if this is the first time that a judge has done something like this.Report
Yeah, whattabout that?
From your link:
Who gets to decide what is an appearance of impropriety?
Hint: It starts with V and rhymes with “motors”
And I’m happy to put the facts in front of them and let them decide.Report
You want voters to elect Supremes? These would be the same voters that gave us Trump?Report
Those same voters will be deciding in November whether that was a mistake or not.
Which is why I think its noteworthy that reforming the court and expanding it has gone, in just a space of two or three years from a crazy unthinkable idea to something reasonable people are discussing.
This is entirely due to the behavior of Thomas and Alito, and the decisions wrought by the, Kavanaugh and Coney Barrett resulting in as Saul notes, tween rape victims being forced to carry their pregnancies to term and women with miscarriages being forced to bleed out to the point of death.
It used to be that we liberals had to make all sorts of arguments about “What will happen” but now we just need to link to a headline.Report
If you’re trying to claim Alito’s wife flying a flag is a reason to remove him from the court, then the core problem is you don’t like his policies.
For that matter if moving abortion to the states is the issue than it’s “we need to pack the court because I don’t like the rulings”.Report
You need a lot more data points, even if you’re only trying to establish they have crazy wives.Report
Is that all of them? Thomas takes bribes, Kavanaugh’s a drunken rapist, Coney Barrett and Gorsuch both somehow shouldn’t be on the court because of Garland, and this. Is there some liberal justification for why Roberts’s opinions shouldn’t be treated as valid?Report
Amy Coney Barrett served as a ‘handmaid’ in Christian group People of Praise
This is a good indicator of how bad the flag thing is.Report
Every time our team scores a goal it’s well deserved.
Every time their team scores a goal they cheated.Report
Thus sayeth the Oracle of Trump.Report
There is an argument that the Further Left likes to make that Ultra-Wealthy elites like using social reactionary arguments as a way to dupe the Working Class to vote against their interests. I always hated this argument and the Alito flag affair is why. The conservative elites are loony true believers.Report
Imagine if one of the three Democratic appointees to the Supreme Court had a “in this house” sign on their front lawn. It would be about the only thing right-wing media discussed for weeks.Report
(writes down “the ‘Appeal to Heaven’ flag is the equivalent of an ‘in this house’ sign” on stickynote)Report
I know this one, the pine tree means Dipper!Report
Even if they did, lets look at the equivalence:
Liberals are biased in favor of forcing conservatives to treat minorities as equals;
Conservatives are biased in favor of treating minorities as inferiors.Report
I need to make that my tag line somehow.Report
Liberals are biased in favor of forcing conservatives to treat minorities as equals
If you really want to scare a conservative, show him (always a “him”) this sign from Martha’s Vineyard:
Jaybird, you saw that double-thinking happen in real time, do you really think Chip is going to actually remember doing it?Report
I admit to enjoying watching what people actively avoiding remembering do to avoid remembering.Report
As history recorded, the good people of Martha’s Vineyard were very welcoming towards the immigrants, unlike the shameful treatment by Republicans.Report
“They wanted to force conservatives to treat minorities as equals. They certainly couldn’t do that at Martha’s Vineyard.”Report
The good people of Martha’s Vineyard treated the migrants dumped at their airport in the middle of the night quite well – feeding them, housing them and helping them connect to refugee services which moved them to cities better equipped to assimilate them through jobs, housing medical care and educational opportunity.
How you and anyone else see this as double think and thus some sort of repudiation of Chip’s point remains beyond me.Report
They kicked their asses out of Martha’s Vineyard in fewer than 48 hours, Phil.
Why? Well, I’ll tell you:
They wanted to force conservatives to treat minorities as equals.Report
Um, yeah, no.
How Migrants Flown to Martha’s Vineyard Came to Call It Home
Florida flew 49 migrants from Texas to the liberal enclave last year. Since then, a few of them have found work, friends and a new life on the wealthy island.
Ms. Cauro is one of at least four migrants who have quietly stayed behind on the island, forming bonds with a community that opened what doors it could. Ms. Cauro, 25, is working as a landscaper. Her brother, Daniel, 29, and her cousin, Eliud Aguilar, 28, found jobs in painting and roofing.
They first stayed in the homes of Martha’s Vineyard residents who invited them in, and then began earning enough money for a house of their own, with the four of them currently chipping in $1,000 a month each for a two-bedroom house. They got bicycles to ride around town.
“I did not even know where Martha’s Vineyard was. And now I feel welcomed by everybody here. I’m working, making friends and this is home for me now,” Ms. Cauro said with a wide smile. “This is home now. I don’t want to leave.”
I honestly didn’t know that! I thought that they drove out 100% of the migrants, not 92% of them.
I’m glad that they were able to find jobs as helpers and I’m thrilled that they can afford the $4k/month rent.
They obviously benefitted from being transferred there.
(In my defense, I believed what was being reported at the time.)Report
I remain … intrigued … how helping people move to places where there are services that can actually help them is seen as a bad thing. The folks in Martha’s Vineyard helped these people – the ones who put them on the flights had no care about what happened to them after the plane took off.Report
I think it’s the “let’s take a very public position that we never expect to have to live up to” to then find somebody has called you out to put your money where your mouth is. I got a c note that the folks of Martha’s vineyard never expected anyone to show up, and when they did, they “migrated” 92% of them somewhere else–kinda like what happened to the migrants in the first place.
Now, if they we really serious about this, the folks of MV would have reached out to Texas or Az, or other places to say “we can take some folks off your hands”.Report
It’s kind of old school. You may have to go back to remembering what Team Good used to believe.
Business B is having a group of Employees go on strike for… I dunno. More wages, better treatment, whatever.
Business B fires said Employees and hires New Employees that actually want to work for Business B.
Why is this not a win-win scenario?
It has to do with the whole concept of “solidarity” and who gets it and who doesn’t.
(I absolutely understand siding with Business B, for what it’s worth.)Report
‘They’, as in the people’s of Martha’s Vineyard, didn’t do anything. The Republican governor provided free transportation to any who wanted off it the island, where they had basically no employment prospects as the peak season was ending. Most of them took it. A few managed to find jobs on the island.
Remember, folks, when one Republicans governor makes a mess somewhere, it’s up to another Republican governor to fix it, and then Republicans get to pretend the problem somehow proves something about Democrats.
All this actually proved is that extremely rich and expensive vacation communities are not particularly good at having a bunch of available jobs for unskilled laborers just sitting around for anyone to take. Or cheap housing. Which, I mean, I think we probably could have guessed that?
To quote wikipedia: The year-round working population of Martha’s Vineyard earns 30 percent less on average than other residents of the state while keeping up with a cost of living that is 60 percent higher than average.
Yeah, I wonder _why_ refugees, when offered the choice to go literally anywhere else, took the _Republican governor_ up on that offer.
Massachusetts _itself_ is actually pretty good at resettling refugees. Just not, you know, random extremely rich locations that already have the non-extremely-wealthy residents already struggling.Report
‘They’, as in the people’s of Martha’s Vineyard, specifically talked about what ‘they’ did. Search for the string “permit”.Report
They sneer at the sign because they cannot comprehend people actually believing of such a thing.
This is why right wing true believers are indistinguishable from right wing grifters because for them it’s all the same.Report
This needs to be read over and over by every conservative here:
I think every conservative here has denounced those things. Does that mean we can move past it?Report
No they actually haven’t. Granted, several of them just decided to stop posting regularly, but that’s not a denunciation.Report
So they’re not conservatives here. So why should the conservatives here be held accountable for them?Report
Why should the liberals here be held accountable for Joe Biden?Report
We should be held accountable for the positions we take, including the candidates we support. I never accused you of sniffing girls’ hair.Report
“Why should the liberals here be held accountable for Joe Biden?”
Why should the conservatives here be held accountable for Qanon?Report
We should- he is, after all, both a Democratic and a liberal president; easily the most liberal President of our lifetimes. Likewise Conservatives should be held accountable for W Bush and Trump.Report
David, you’ve changed my mind about this.
Yes, I think Alito’s conduct demonstrates a decidedly non-judicial temperament. I think reasonable people would perceive a higher-than-comfortable degree of bias on display under the circumstances. (I am super not interested in any conduct by any other judge. Alito’s flying of those flags under those circumstances is what’s at issue. Go “whatabout” to someone else.)
But the fact that there was no code of conduct controlling Alito, or his wife,* at the time, means that we need to confine our inquiries to something that broke no rule, much less any law. It’s not even clear that the newly-adopted SCOTUS code of judicial conduct would prohibit these.
Now, whether that code of conduct has teeth (probably not), and whether it’s broad enough to produce appropriate judicial behavior (probably not), remain to be seen. But Alito himself doesn’t seem to have done anything wrong here. That’s what we should consider to be the real scandal.
* Yes, codes of judicial conduct can, do, and should reach to the conduct of judicial spouses and other immediate household and family members. Less so than the judges themselves, but for things that might reasonably be perceived as the personal actions or interests of the judge? Yeah, that’s properly regulable.Report
How do we jump from “flying the flag inappropriately” to “bias”? Bias for/against whom? Do the Supremes have a flag case again this year?Report
My main take away from this episode is that Alito’s wife is kind of a twit who is oblivious to how unbecoming it is for the spouse of a justice of the supreme court to get into some idiotic feud with a neighbor.Report
What’s your take on Ginny Thomas?Report
I see the Thomas situation as being on a completely different level. At minimum he should be recusing himself from any case involving Trump and in a more functional society he’d be removed from his position. He’s too compromised and damaging to the credibility of the institution.Report
Alito wasn’t “flying that flag inappropriately”.
He was giving aid and comfort to insurrectionists who tried to overthrow a free and fair election.
This isn’t just some opinion that reasonable people can take or not. This is a betrayal of his oath to support the Constitution.Report
Yeah, um, that’s how I’m seeing it.
The flag flown upside down is one thing. The fact you’re supposed to use that if in distress is pretty well known, and has been used by a _lot_ of protest movements, and just individuals upset at the US. I would normally be reluctant to read any support for any _specific_ movement into that…although I would still suggest it is inappropriate for an official of the US government to fly it like that, and it is entirely reasonable to ask them to explain exactly what this ‘distress’ is.
It could be a protest in a general, maybe they don’t like current speed limit on their street and think such things qualify as ‘distress to the Republic’. That’s insane sounding, but they have a right to have an insane position on that. So by itself, we can’t make a conclusion there.
The ‘Appeal to Heaven’ flag, OTOH, absolutely no one even knows what that is outside of a very small group, and it is extremely hard to even pretend there _might_ be reasons for flying it outside of showing support for their cause. We can just assume what this is about, unless they are some sort of flag officiando and random fly pre-Revolutionary flags of various types. And we can probably assume the upside-down American flag was about the same thing.
If they are flying a protest flag or something about a very specific group, that creates conflict of interest (Which wouldn’t exist for protests about speed limits.), and they need to recuse themselves when looking into crimes done by that movement. I say ‘need’, not ‘required by law’, apparently we have absolutely no law on this, but it is something that they need to do for the court to retain even the tiniest wift of legitimacy.
And it is relevant what the group is doing, why it exists. Stop the Steal is, functionally, a criminal organization that basically existed to stop the legitimate transfer of power in this country. If Alito had, for example, flown some flag showing support for the NRA, I would be much more reluctant to say he had to recuse himself from NRA cases.
I mean, he probably should still, but Americans, even supreme court justices, are allowed to have general political opinions. What supreme court judges really shouldn’t have is sympathy for criminal operations that threaten the Republic, and if they do, the absolute least they can do is recuse themselves from cases about those things.Report
Its important to point out that the “distress” here wasn’t some action by the government which could reasonably be constructed as infringing on anyone’s rights.
The “distress” was that a free and fair election had been held, and they lost.
What they are “appealing to heaven” is that people who tried to violently overthrow that free and fair election are being held accountable and jailed for crimes they committed.Report
You are assuming what you should be trying to prove.
I’ve fought with my neighbors, I’ve had an unstable wife. The idea someone is flying the flag wrong to piss of the neighbors passes some sort of smell test. We know for a fact that his wife is fighting with the neighbors because the cops have gotten involved.
If you want to show Alito is “giving aid and comfort” then you should have a lot more evidence than a flag.Report
I don’t think his excuses pass the giggle test with any reasonable person and again, I’m happy to lay this in front of undecided voters and let them decide.Report
I’d be amused to see you suggest in a court that that citing precedent is “whatabouting”.
“Alito himself doesn’t seem to have done anything wrong here. That’s what we should consider to be the real scandal.”
bro there is a whole amendment to the US Constitution about how people are allowed to say things, you cannot just blow that off with a little hand-flip and a snort about “whatabouting”Report
From the SF Chronicle: S.F. removes controversial ‘Appeal to Heaven’ flag from Civic Center Plaza. It flew there for decades
From George Orwell’s 1984:
What is your theory, Jaybird, that the flag was hung outside Alito’s house because they are flag officinados who regularly hang all sorts of revolutionary flags?Report
No, my theory is that it was torn down from Civic Center Plaza because Alito turned out to be aligned with Emmanuel Goldstein.Report
I have to admit that Democrats rallying around the principle that Supreme Court Justices need to keep their b*tches in line was not on my bingo card for the 2020s.
That aside, is this the new “OK sign is a white power symbol?” Is there any evidence that an upside-down flag was widely used or recognized as a “stop the steal” symbol prior to this month? I found one picture of a “stop the steal” protester carrying an upside-down flag, but given the traditional use of an upside-down flag as a symbol of distress, that is at best very weak evidence for the claim being made here.Report
You now what the funny thing is? Like, you have a picked a reasonable position to try to argue, in fact, that’s the position I picked that the flag upside down can mean all sorts of protest things. You can go read my comment, it’s up there.
…except for the what the post here _also_ points out is that they also flew a different flag outside their vacation home, the ‘Appeal to Heaven’ flag, an extremely obscure flag that 99.999% of people have not heard of but is used by the ‘stop the steal’ movement.
Which makes it rather obvious what the upside down flag was about.Report