Throughput: Fireball Edition

Michael Siegel

Michael Siegel is an astronomer living in Pennsylvania. He blogs at his own site, and has written a novel.

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4 Responses

  1. Michael Cain

    ThTh4: I was vaguely aware that a change in thinking about “junk DNA” was happening, but have lately seen a few pieces suggesting that the idea there is actually very little junk DNA has become mainstream. The thinking now seems to be that most of what was regarded as junk because it didn’t code for proteins actually codes for RNA and mRNA that regulate the proteins.

    25 years ago on a long flight I sat next to a guy who did advising for a couple of venture capital firms about where they should invest in biology. His summary then was that we weren’t even close to understanding the miracle of protein chemistry each of us is, and more likely than not we would discover that the system is a whole lot more complicated than we thought.Report

  2. Jaybird

    My favorite meteor shot was the one involving geese:


  3. Dark Matter

    Love this post.Report

  4. J_A


    The Portuguese are really foul mouthed hehe. 😁

    Jokes aside, it was amazing to behold. I think I said “Fish” just watching the video😇Report

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