Dems Recapture NY-3, GOP House Majority Down to Two

Andrew Donaldson

Born and raised in West Virginia, Andrew has been the Managing Editor of Ordinary Times since 2018, is a widely published opinion writer, and appears in media, radio, and occasionally as a talking head on TV. He can usually be found misspelling/misusing words on Twitter@four4thefire. Andrew is the host of Heard Tell podcast. Subscribe to Andrew'sHeard Tell Substack for free here:

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9 Responses

  1. Saul Degraw says:

    The margins of victory were also much higher than the polls predicted. Souzzi won by 8 points roughly.Report

  2. Philip H says:

    Mr. Suozzi’s comeback will have an immediate impact in Washington. After he is seated, Speaker Mike Johnson can afford to lose only two votes on any partisan bill, an unwieldy margin that could limit Republicans’ election-year legislative agenda.

    This is not actually a problem as – contra Chip Roy – Republicans in the House have no legislative agenda for the rest of the year.Report

  3. Chip Daniels says:

    Apparently Suozzi ran on the failure of Republicans to pass any sort of immigration bill, on the theme that “Republicans can’t govern”.

    Today, ICE added its two cents worth:
    U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has drafted plans to release thousands of immigrants and slash its capacity to hold detainees after the failure of a Senate border bill that would have erased a $700 million budget shortfall, according to four officials at ICE and the Department of Homeland Security.

    Maybe this is the “making government small enough to drown in a bathtub” thingy we used to hear so much about?Report

    • He ran as a moderate, known commodity and a safe pair of hands while aggressively attacking his opponent as an “ethical nightmare” and another Santos. The ads were relentless and effective.

      It didn’t help the GOP that they put up someone who checked a lot of attractive boxes on paper, but was a total disaster as an actual candidate.

      They get to do it all again in November, so should be interesting to see who the GOP put up this time. Hard to believe Mazi Pilips is going to get another crack.Report

      • Saul Degraw in reply to John Puccio says:

        Ah the explaining has begun. I find that moderate is a word that does a lot of heavy lifting and is malleable.* It is a D + 2 district and yeah, you can’t run AOC in such a district, fair enough. Chip isn’t stating that a Democratic candidate from one district will easily transplant to another. Souzzi is probably too conservative for the Bay Area suburban districts.

        *My pet theory is that the descriptors people use says more about how they view themselves than their actual beliefs. Moderate is a word that makes someone sound reasonable, above the fray, etc, and who can object to that?Report

        • Ah, don’t get it twisted. I’m just reporting what I’ve observed having been in NY for the run-up to special election. It took up a lot of oxygen here.

          “Moderate/bipartisan” was absolutely the primary positive message.
          “Mazi is another George Santos” was absolutely the primary negative message.

          As people rush to conclusions about this particular race and attempt to amplify meaning to November, they should keep in mind just how embarrassing it was to be the district that gave America George Santos. It was smart of Souzzi’s campaign to link the new novice pol with the last one, dubious as that link was.

          And for the record, I don’t think the snow storm made a difference in the outcome, despite the dems dominating Rs in early voting. Souzzi was a lock.

          Apparently the district may be redrawn (again) before November, so that bears watching in the months ahead.Report