POETS Day! On James Joyce’s Ulysses with a Few Poems Thrown In

Ben Sears

Ben Sears is a writer and restaurant guy in Birmingham, Alabama. He lives quite happily across from a creek with his wife, two sons, and an obligatory dog. You can follow him on Twitter and read his blog, Might Stain Your Shirt.

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2 Responses

  1. Saul Degraw says:

    I can’t remember the source but someone praised the line “She was tired” from Joyce’s story Eveline as one of the his best even though everyone focuses on his linguistic acrobatics.

    There is also this favorite bit from the Dead: “Yes, the newspapers were right: snow was general all over Ireland. It was falling softly upon the Bog of Allen and, further westwards, softly falling into the dark mutinous Shannon waves. It was falling too upon every part of the lonely churchyard where Michael Furey lay buried. It lay thickly drifted on the crooked crosses and headstones, on the spears of the little gate, on the barren thorns. His soul swooned slowly as he heard the snow falling faintly through the universe and faintly falling, like the descent of their last end, upon all the living and the dead.”Report

  2. Ecce Puer

    Of the dark past
    A child is born;
    With joy and grief
    My heart is torn.

    Calm in his cradle
    The living lies.
    May love and mercy
    Unclose his eyes!

    Young life is breathed
    On the glass;
    The world that was not
    Comes to pass.

    A child is sleeping:
    An old man gone.
    O, father forsaken,
    Forgive your son!Report