MAGA Wants a Shutdown

David Thornton

David Thornton is a freelance writer and professional pilot who has also lived in Georgia, Florida, Kentucky, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas. He is a graduate of the University of Georgia and Emmanuel College. He is Christian conservative/libertarian who was fortunate enough to have seen Ronald Reagan in person during his formative years. A former contributor to The Resurgent, David now writes for the Racket News with fellow Resurgent alum, Steve Berman, and his personal blog, CaptainKudzu. He currently lives with his wife and daughter near Columbus, Georgia. His son is serving in the US Air Force. You can find him on Twitter @CaptainKudzu and Facebook.

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20 Responses

  1. Philip H

    21 Republicans voted against their leadership’s own CR today. With poison pill riders on border security they claimed they wanted.

    These people do not want to govern.

    If you voted for them you need to rethink your politics.

    We can have a reasonable debate at any point about what government should or shouldn’t do. This isn’t it.

    I and my co-workers deserve better.Report

  2. Pinky

    OK, I’m probably the biggest hawk on this site, and I’m in favor of our current Ukraine policy. But this article is way off. First of all, $100 billion in a year and a half isn’t chump change. It’s about equal to all our other foreign aid combined. But the two most common arguments against Ukraine aid aren’t mentioned here. One, that we’re destabilizing a superpower nowhere near our borders, and two, that the Ukraine government isn’t worth our protection, as it’s not a member of NATO and is at least perceived as corrupt.Report

    • Philip H in reply to Pinky

      When we get to the $1 Trillion mark swallowed by Iraq based on lies about nuclear and chemical weapons told by a Republican President then you can throw a flag or two about cost.

      Otherwise – Russia invaded Ukraine unprovoked. To believe they would stop there (given all of Putin’s other hijinks) is to not be paying attention. Destabilizing Russia is the least bad outcome here.

      That aside – democracies are worth our protection. Including our own.Report

    • North in reply to Pinky

      I don’t think those arguments hold water though. We aren’t destabilizing Russia by helping Ukraine, Russia is destabilizing Russia by invading Ukraine.
      As for the worth question, it’s largely academic because even by the most cynical, gimlet eyed and cold blooded analysis the return on investment the US is getting for the aid dollars it’s sending is astronomical. We can set aside more nebulous “soft power” benefits like the cold water it’s throwing on authoratarians everywhere on the idea of invasion and adventurism or the bolstering of the US’ reputation across the developed world and East Europe while acknowledging that they are likely real. But sticking strictly to concrete benefits, the obliteration of Russian material, the humiliation of Russian arms manufacturing, the ocean of Russian soldiers blood being shed all at the cost of considerable quantities of US army surplus material (ffs all the cluster munitions we’re sending was stuff we’d otherwise had had to PAY to dispose of safely) and not a single drop of US blood is simply an incredible return. If a program that had this outcome at this cost had been available during the Cold War they’d have carved the face of the President who oversaw it on Mount Rushmore.Report

  3. LeeEsq

    I definitely have vivid memories of the 17 day shut down in 2013. What I don’t have any memories of the 2018/2019 shutdown that lasted for 35 days despite the fact that my job was still impacted. I guess the closeness to COVID and the fact that it occurred during a slack period of the year blurred that memory.

    There is about a 95% chance of their being a shutdown. The issue is how long is the shutdown going to last for. I predict that it will be at least two weeks and possibly longer. The Republicans pushing for it are basically even crazier than the 2013 House was. Kevin McCarthy is no John Boehner and is even less skilled at herding cats. He fears working with the Democratic Party. Possibly he even fears this for his life.Report

  4. Saul Degraw

    McCarthy’s stopgap bill fails the House:

  5. Chip Daniels

    Its worth mentioning, yet again, that although the customary parlance by media outlets and pundits is that this is being caused by a small handful of extremists, the truth is, this is being caused by the much larger group of GOP “moderates” who could at any time, join with Democrats for force a budget through.

    The “moderates” prefer a shutdown to any deal of any kind with the Democrats.Report

    • North in reply to Chip Daniels

      Yes, that is correct and it’s infuriating. If McCarthy merely scheduled a vote on anything the Senate has passed it’d pass easily. But he’d them immediately face a motion to vacate the chair. The continued function of the country pales to nothing compared to McCarthy continuing to be Speaker in McCarthy’s estimation*.

      *Heck, merely the -chance- of McCarthy not being Speaker. If he offered to schedule a vote in exchange for the Dems promising to throw him enough support to survive a motion to vacate I would imagine that’s a deal Jeffries would take.Report

      • LeeEsq in reply to North

        McCarthy stops being speaker then. McCarthy doesn’t want to stop being speaker and he doesn’t want to share power with the Democratic caucus to remain speaker. It is that simple.Report

      • Saul Degraw in reply to North

        The problem we have is that the while the GOP might think of the current adamants as thorns in their side, they are also pretty low on how they view Democrats and fear being primaried from the right as RINOs.Report

        • Chip Daniels in reply to Saul Degraw

          Correct, and as they demonstrated with Jan 6 and countless other examples, they prefer literally anything, including a direct assault on American democracy as preferable to being governed by a Democrat.

          This is why I say that no Republican at any level of office anywhere can be trusted to uphold democracy. They just don’t value it.Report

    • Philip H in reply to Chip Daniels

      Because they prefer to remain in office then have actual principles they won’t compromise on.Report

  6. Philip H

    90 Republicans and 1 democrat voted against a clean 45 day CR. McCarthy only got it across to the senate because he worked across the aisle. Now we will see if MAGA Nation actually has bite.

    And for the record I did not expect McCarthy to do this.Report

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