Mini-Throughput: Floaty Rock Edition

Michael Siegel

Michael Siegel is an astronomer living in Pennsylvania. He blogs at his own site, and has written a novel.

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20 Responses

  1. Jaybird says:

    There is a lesbian tankie catgirl out there who is attempting to replicate this in a home lab and is showing pictures of floaty rocks.

    I’ve been digging through various threads and there was a great one (THAT I NOW CAN’T FIND!) that explained that this was related to electron shells. Like, the chemists are apparently finding an alloy that has the electron shells set up juuuuust right to allow a free flow.

    But this one apparently is saying that this isn’t quite that, but more like electrons moving as if they were those executive inertia balls.

    Which, if I understand it correctly, this wouldn’t be a superconductor but something in between a conductor and a superconductor.

    It might be a third thing.


    And part of me keeps leaping back and forth between “WHY HASN’T THIS BEEN REPLICATED BY A NON-ANON YET?” and “these things take time”.

    And seeing what the lesbian tankie catgirl is up to.Report

    • Jaybird in reply to Jaybird says:

      One of the smart people I follow suggests that it’s a new third thing:


  2. fillyjonk says:

    Nah brah, I’ll believe this when it starts showing up in consumer goods. I remember feeling so hopeful in 1989 when we were discussing “cold fusion” in Organic Chem after the first reports of the results. And I remember my shock and disappointment to learn it wasn’t real . I thought of it as a “hoax” although a quick check online stops short of saying that.

    Though as an working alleged-scientist, I admit I’m gobsmacked to think that people can just openly falsify details* and not expect to be found out and ultimately discredited. What research I do is very small and not important to almost anyone (it mainly centers around soil invertebrate communities, or prairie plants) and I can’t imagine if I falsified data that it would go well for me; I’d probably have to resign and do some other career with what remained of my working life. But maybe if you’re big enough and important enough people care less? I don’t know.

    *That seems NOT to be the case here; if anything it is a mistake on the original researcher’s part and as Michael said, they demonstrated some OTHER effect than superconduction. But there have been a lot of scientific hoaxes in higher-stakes fields than mine. I have heard cases, for example, of faked micrographs in cell biology.Report

  3. J_A says:

    In the 1980s, when liquid nitrogen(LN2) superconductors became available, there was some discussion, and plenty of papers, about using LN2 superconductor cables to distribute electricity in urban areas (the ones I read were using London as example). The savings were massive!!!. Alas LN2 were ceramic like and too brittle to lay down as long stretches of cable in the ground.

    At the time, the expectation/hope was to develop LN2 superconductors that would overcome that limitation. To the best of my knowledge, that’s the part we have failed to accomplishReport

  4. Brandon Berg says:

    I would like to point out, since it took me years to get the joke, that the site’s name is intended to be arχiv, χ being the Greek letter “chi,” which is used for various purposes in math and science.

    So despite the X, it’s still pronounced “archive.”Report

  5. Jaybird says:

    The US has replicated. Maybe. Kinda.


  6. Jaybird says:

    China claims to have replicated:


  7. North says:

    Fascinating and exciting, but now the replication.Report

    • Michael Cain in reply to North says:

      As others have noted, at least levitation seems to be reproducible. I’m not sure I’ve seen any reports of actual superconducting an electrical current.Report

      • North in reply to Michael Cain says:

        It is interesting either way but if they can super conduct it is game changing of course.Report

      • Jaybird in reply to Michael Cain says:

        I assume that the difference between “really really good conductor” and “superconductor” is not something measurable with stuff you can get at I don’t even know who would be likely to have equipment that would be sensitive enough to tell the difference between… I dunno… gold and any given superconductor (especially since most superconductors need to be somewhere around the temperature of liquid nitrogen).Report

        • Jaybird in reply to Jaybird says:

          Ah, I stumbled across an answer to my question:


  8. Jaybird says:

    Another vote for “Different Third Thing”:


    • Jaybird in reply to Jaybird says:

      A glimmer of hope. Not for a superconductor, but for third things:

      From the bottom:

      Longer TLDR. “To conclude, we have observed a semiconductor-like,
      non-superconducting electric property in our LK-99-like
      synthetic samples, along with diamagnetic and soft-
      ferromagnetic properties arising from supposedly differ-
      ent phases of the mixed product. Our results sug-
      gest that one needs to be cautious when interpreting
      half-levitation observations as evidence for net levitat-
      ing forces (and, further, as evidence for the Meissner
      effect). The presence of ferromagnetism in a Pb-Cu-P-
      O system is somewhat unexpected, as we are not aware
      of previous reports of materials with related properties.
      The presence of a flat-band-like electronic structure in
      Pb10−xCux(PO4)6O, as revealed in a recent calculation
      [14, 18], might be able to give rise to such spontaneous
      ferromagnetism, which warrants further investigation.”Report

  9. Jaybird says:

    Ah, bummer.


  10. Dammit. Was really hopeful.Report

  11. Jaybird says:

    A lovely little bow to tie everything together:


  12. Jaybird says:

    The callback joke after the punchline:

    It’s an insulator. It’s an insulator that is so good that the usual equipment can’t test it.Report