Weekend Plans Post: Batchin’ It Again


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to AskJaybird-at-gmail.com

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29 Responses

  1. Jaybird says:

    Oh, and I just finished my first batch of 3lbs of Pepper Bacon.


  2. Brandon Berg says:

    Third: Oh, you’re trying to go down the stairs? That’s a *GREAT* opportunity to try to kill you.

    Someone on the King’s Quest III team must have had a cat.Report

  3. InMD says:

    This is my last weekend of parental leave. My company gives 4 paid weeks, even to the men, which has been awesome and everywhere should do it. I am going to try to take it as easy as possible. Main goals are some time at the pool with my oldest and hopefully a walk on the bike paths with the baby, provided temps won’t melt the stroller (or the child). I’m sure I will also find some time to check in with the O’s who are giving me the best season since I was a kid. Text messages are already starting to circulate about the playoffs, which is insane.Report

    • Marchmaine in reply to InMD says:

      Con-grats/dolences. The first month is always the hardest month from the new member of the household perspective. A happy mix of chaos, sleep, and no-sleep. Which is odd, because mostly the baby just sleeps, when you think about it.

      I’m not bitter/jealous/old when I say that 20-yrs ago we tried to target a Thursday so we would have a long weekend to transition back home before work started…Report

      • InMD in reply to Marchmaine says:

        Technically the leave actually did start on a Thursday! Which I suppose means that the parental leave ended yesterday, but my boss was generous enough not to make me come back on a Friday. It is way better than being on a work call in the delivery room on a Friday then going right back Monday like last time.

        We will see how the return goes. With our first I would say the newborn insanity probably peaked at the 6 week mark which has me going back in the thick of it. However work remote has the potential to be a game changer. We will see. Either way it is nice to have a baby around again.Report

  4. Marchmaine says:

    Tom Cruise and I are of an age… well, he’d be more of an older brother; but where I grew up, some of my friends’ older brothers were a little like Tom Cruise in Risky Business.

    Anyhow… 40 years later, one of us grew up and the other is riding motorcycles over cliffs and parachuting into piles and piles of money that he uses to master the dark arts and grow younger each year.

    So, to enable his bad behavior, we’re going to snub the Barbenheimer nonsense and see Mission Impossible: 7(?).

    Someday Jonathan Coulton will be proved correct, but not today Jonathan, not today.


    • Reformed Republican in reply to Marchmaine says:

      Somehow, I have managed to avoid seeing any of the Mission Impossible movies. Do the early movies hold up, or would I be better off just jumping into the new ones?Report

      • The first one is pretty good as a time capsule. It’s *NOTHING* like movies 4-whatever. It’s solid. If you watched the old television shows, this one will have your jaw on the floor. If you never saw a single episode? It’s skippable unless you like time capsules.

        The second one is agreed by many to be execrable but, if you like John Woo, it’s John Woo as heck. I’d say it’s skippable unless you absolutely *NEED* more John Woo in your life.

        The third one is where you could start, if you were inclined to start watching them but have no attachment to either the television show or to John Woo.Report

      • Slade the Leveller in reply to Reformed Republican says:

        Contra Jaybird, the first one was so terrible it disabused me of the notion that I’d ever want to see another one. Caveat emptor.Report

      • Marchmaine in reply to Reformed Republican says:

        I agree with JB’s synopsis… but I think the primary way to think of it is without any regard to Mission Impossible. It’s purely a Tom Cruise Action/Spy movie that happens to have the words Mission and Impossible attached to it… and not much spying, and when you think about it, usually not a mission in the proper sense of a mission.

        A slightly different flavor of Tom Cruise running really fast, leaping an impossible leap, helicopters helicoptering, and riding a Motorcycle in all the ways your mother told you not to.

        Could be Knight and Day, Collateral, Oblivion, etc. The ‘plot’ that he’s part of anything other than the Tom Cruise adventure brigade is stitched on with the delicate attention of a ballpark beer vendor.

        But yeah, usually pretty harmless and stupidly fun.Report

      • steven.fishburn@gmail.com in reply to Reformed Republican says:

        We went to 7 a week or two ago, and I prepped by watching 1-6 because I either didn’t remember or didn’t watch them.
        1-3 are terrible. Just…bad. No, really. 1 was so terrible it had me wondering how any of the other ones got made.
        4 is forgettable. Better than 1-3, but still maybe just ok.
        5 & 6 are fun action movies, as is 7. There are some cool stunts and some cool gear and Simon Pegg being Simon Pegg.Report

    • Slade the Leveller in reply to Marchmaine says:

      Man, that Coulton guy writes him some good songs, don’t he?Report

  5. fillyjonk says:

    Saturday here is graduation for the summer semester, and they pulled a switcheroo on us – now every department must send at least one representative, regardless of whether or not they have graduates. Because I “got paid” (at the adjunct rate, because small class) this summer, I am on deck. (Though my colleague has it worse – he’s having to go and sit with his wife, who is having to have a biopsy today). It’s going to be 105. Fortunately it’s in the basketball arena.

    If it weren’t 105 out, I might have considered going after graduation and going antiquing or doing something fun; this has largely been a fun-free summer. But it’s SO hot. I get exhausted running 2 or 3 errands here in town. (Once again wondering if there’s ANY way I could afford a decent place to live about 1000 miles north of here once I retire)

    I also got a tetanus booster (I was due, and in a couple weeks I start fieldwork again, and I don’t like to maybe risk tetanus) so I don’t feel GREAT. (Next up is the shingles series but I need to let this shot settle down first)Report

  6. Slade the Leveller says:

    This weekend is the annual baseball trip with my son. We started when he was 11 and now he’s been buying the beers for more than a few years. I look forward to it every year. Next time we do it in Wisconsin, however, I gotta remember to avoid the EAA fly-in. Hotel rates are a little nuts.Report

  7. Burt Likko says:

    Tubing the river is my agenda. A slow, sunny day floating down a cool wet river sharing beers and stories with friends, and a Hawaiian food feast at the end.Report

  8. Jaybird says:

    This is one of those songs that will only make sense to the folks who are in the parts of the Venn Diagram that include the “ASTROLOGY” circle.

    Saturn, according to astrological theory, has to do with, deep breath:

    focus, precision, nobility, ethics, civility, lofty goals, career, great achievements, dedication, authority figures, stability, virtues, productiveness, valuable hard lessons learned, destiny, structures, protective roles, balance, meritocracy, conservatism, and karma (reaping what you have sown or cosmic justice)

    By contrast, Moon is associated with (deep breath): a person’s intuition, emotional make-up, unconscious habits, rhythms, memories, moods, femininity and their ability to react and adapt to those around them.

    Anyway. I discovered Francis Dunnery in the 90’s while driving around with Maribou. I have since purchased all of his albums. If you have no idea what “Too Much Saturn” might mean, I can’t say that I recommend listening to him.

    But if you grok what the whole “astrology” thing is going for?

    Seriously. He’s one of the people that I wish I had more of.


    • Jaybird in reply to Jaybird says:

      He’s also got a lovely song called “Whoever Brought Me Here” opens with this positively luminous verse:

      Who brought me here to this world so long ago?
      Who shaped my young face and welded my bones?
      Who watered my hair and twisted my nose?
      I need a light to see where I’m going
      So whoever brought me here will have to take me home

      This is one of those songs that I can only recommend half of. It starts off wonderfully then turns to crap and then finishes off wonderfully again.

      I see what he was going for, though.
