Weekend Plans Post: Spring has Sprung
We successfully swapped out the flannel sheets for the linen sheets hours before Tiger had a hairball on the ONE PART OF THE BED that didn’t have a blanket covering the sheets.
Anyway, we have begun the process of going through the winter items and putting them into the vacuum storage bags before stuffing them in the back of the closet. They’re pretty awesome. They turn a giant pile of clothing the size of a large suitcase into a smaller pile of clothing the size of a carry-on.
We sort and wash our various clothes before we put them away into either the storage bag, the garbage, or the donation box. We’ve got one box full so far, maybe one more to go. Then we get the joys of opening the summer bags and saying “OH I FORGOT THIS SHIRT” and “IS THAT WHERE THAT WENT I HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR THAT”.
Just in time for it to hit the 70’s this weekend. Hey. Soon we’ll start talking about busting out the AC.
This weekend will be a delightful one. I have had not one, not two, but *THREE* swords of Damocles hanging over my head these last four or five months. Today? I FINISHED ALL THREE. The server? Functional. The scripts to create it? Close Enough For Jazz. The Document to Follow to create the server? Sent to a colleague who has accepted it and is translating it from my “here’s how you get to there on bare metal” meatball caveman scratchings into the Sistine Chapel.
Whew. I think I’ll get a pizza.
The weekend itself will be devoted to laundry, laundry, and more laundry but we’re going to take a break in there for some D&D.
Man. It feels good to have winter behind us.
So… what’s on your docket?
(Featured image is “Hanau epe”. Photo taken by Maribou.)
It’s springtime in Portland! That means the rain is slightly warmer.Report
We had our first thunderstorm of the season the other night.
I slept like a baby.Report
Gonna be in the 90s here. This, after an extended period in the 50s/60s.
Not a fan of the big temperature jumps.
This weekend is graduation, so pretty much half my Saturday is eaten up. This will be the first “indoor” graduation since the before-times for me. I did go to the spring ’21 one, which was outdoors, with the seats widely spaced, and we were all asked to wear masks. Not in love with being in a space with literally a thousand people from all-over in this particular state, but I guess at some point I have to accept that I can’t avoid risk forever.Report
Out for a walk on Wednesday night and heard a house party with a live band. Amateurish as heck, but enthusiastic. They were covering “Sympathy for the Devil” and they were pretty good, for a live band at a house party. “Is it the end of the school year already?”, I asked Maribou.
“Nah”, she told me. “The second the school year ends, everybody packs up and gets the heck out of dodge. This is the buildup to that.”
I hope graduation feels like back to normal.Report
Normally this would be a board game meetup weekend, but I hurt my back last Saturday and I didn’t get anything done. That means this week will be spent doing everything I should have done last weekend instead. The back yard needs to get mowed. I got most of the yard done the week before I hurt my back, but I ran out of gas before I finished the back yard. Some of the grass is around waist high. I also need to tend to the flower beds and pull some weeds.
The kitchen is a mess, because I have not been up to keeping up with it either.
On top of getting chores caught up, I hope to get in a few hunts in Monster Hunter World: The Board Game with my wife, some miniature painting (trying to get back into the hobby and improve my skillset), and WWE Backlash is tomorrow night.Report
Good luck, glad you’re feeling better. I hope you get to a point where you can have a board game night!Report
Heh. My back today is killing me from pulling up ivy in my back garden. I have a giant pile of it drying out in my gangway so I can burn it. That made golfing a little less enjoyable today, but it was still golf.Report
My goodness. I am SO ready for some DnD. Looking forward to seeing y’all tomorrow.Report