Clare Briggs

Clare Briggs is a famous cartoonist who lived from 1875 to 1930. Poems by Wilbur Nesbitt.

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5 Responses

  1. Jaybird says:

    Bean Dad’s great great grandfather.Report

    • Burt Likko in reply to Jaybird says:

      L’affaire déplorable du méprisable papa haricot would be the marquee exemplar of how graceless social media has made us that I would pick; alas not everyone is the same flavor of podcast geek that I am so perhaps this would not be something to which everyone could relate. (But it would dovetail nicely back to the thorny and as-yet-unresolved question of the Questionable Adequacy of Ken Jennings’ Apology.)

      However, I think we’ve explored the topic well already recently (re: J.K.-Rowling-IP-derived-media-products-Rowling-didn’t-actually-participate-in and the Alloyed Motives Of MrBeast’s Charity). So I don’t really feel an imperative to write the essay. Sorry, folks.Report

      • Jaybird in reply to Burt Likko says:

        To tie everything together in a nice little bow, there were a number of complaints about Buddy Christ 2023’s commercial during The Super Bowl that used Iscariot’s criticism:

        Couldn’t you have used that money to help the poor?

        Well, lemme tell ya: That criticism hits different after reading the criticisms of MrBeast.Report

        • Burt Likko in reply to Jaybird says:


          From my perspective spending that much money on evangelism is at best a waste, even (especially?) if it gains converts. Every penny of that well-but-very-delusionally-intentioned money would have been better spent on medical research (other good causes etc.).

          But from a believer’s perspective, there are souls to be saved, souls in imminent and great peril. Evangelism is how those souls are saved from eternal damnation and hellfire. A few million dollars — temporary, ephemeral, inconsequential, earthly money — is a trivial price to pay in exchange.

          And who the f[ish] am I to tell these people how to spend their money in the first place?Report

          • Jaybird in reply to Burt Likko says:

            Eh. There are a lot of people out there with a hole in what they think is their soul and long for a community that they feel they ought to have.

            “Hey, come to church” works for some small amount of people and googling something like “loneliness epidemic” will get you a bunch of weird articles that alternate between “young people are lonelier than ever” and a bunch of articles that link to this Cigna survey saying that Gen Z is lonelier than older generations are.

            That’s really nuts because the younger generations are the ones that get forced into rooms with a couple dozen other people their own age (within a year, anyway) and that just pretty much stops happening after college.

            So if you want to make friends and become part of a community… what do you do?

            Well, don’t tell me. I’m part of one. The ones out there that don’t know? Well… here’s a commercial. Show up at church. We can get you started.

            Lots of kinds of charity needed out there. Lots of needs being overlooked.

            And there are a *LOT* of people out there who see stuff like “people trying to help other people” and get really, really pissed off about it.Report