Mac & Cheese That’s Only Comparatively Time Consuming to Make

Ben Sears

Ben Sears is a writer and restaurant guy in Birmingham, Alabama. He lives quite happily across from a creek with his wife, two sons, and an obligatory dog. You can follow him on Twitter and read his blog, Might Stain Your Shirt.

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7 Responses

  1. Jaybird says:

    Holy cow, this looks great.

    I’ve had more rouxs go bad than go well so I have pretty much just moved to buying a box of Zatarain’s.

    But this looks *GREAT*.Report

  2. Jellycat says:

    Mmm! I love 30 minute one pot meals!
    Switch the boil the pasta and make the sauce steps, and it’s just one pot.
    Super easy!Report

  3. Burt Likko says:

    Exactly how I do M&C. Love that you point out the heritage of the Mother Sauces. From here, one can experiment with different kinds and mixes of cheeses. I like garnishing with some chopped chives, but ymmv there.

    YMMV also with adding protiens. This is one of the things I liked diced ham for, especially if it can get griddled up and browned before being mixed in.

    And the difficulty of cleaning out the saucepan after ain’t no joke either. I try to get the pan soaking in hot water as soon as I’ve got the sauce on the pasta.Report

  4. Ben Sears says:

    Sometimes I add torn up prosciutto once I have everything off the heat, but adding prosciutto for the greater good is something I do to all sorts of stuff so that’s not exactly mac & cheese specific. I’m searing ham next time. Good idea.Report

  5. CJColucci says:

    You can undercook the pasta slightly, put some cheese or breadcrumbs or something else on top and bake it a bit, too. Involves an extra pan, though.Report

  6. Fish says:

    This looks fantastic, and worth running afoul of my lactose intolerance to try.

    (Also adding “Ivanhoe” to my list of potential character names, but since I’m the goup clown, substituting some other gardening implement for “hoe”).Report

  7. KenB says:

    According to this site, the source of the PJ O’Rourke quote is All the Trouble in the World.

    I do pretty much this recipe but add some Dijon mustard to the sauce, and I do the baking thing that CJ mentions (topped with breadcrumbs and more cheese). Rarely deviate from it, I’m a creature of habit.Report