Dude, Where’s My Streaming Show?

Roger Longenbach

Roger Longenbach works with financial systems in real estate by day, family man and hobbyist photographer by night  

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12 Responses

  1. Dan Miller says:

    What’s the argument against yanking copyright for unavailable works? And if not that, then what kind of policy action should we take to prevent this?Report

    • One of the arguments is that the copyright holder is merely waiting for someone to meet the price they are demanding. Perhaps even waiting passively — they’re not actively marketing it, but if someone comes along with an offer they’ll entertain it. You have a point about actual abandonware, or material where tracking down the holders costs more than the material is possibly worth.Report

    • Roger Longenbach in reply to Dan Miller says:

      Well, perhaps the owner wants it to not be available for some reason. Disney is currently doing that with Song of the South right now; however – it’s not the best example as if you look hard enough, they’ve released it before on VHS and LaserDisc (at least overseas), so it has been *released* at least once for consumers to be able to watch it via a physical copy. With this new advent of streaming though, while it goes against my libertarian leanings, I’m more on the side of “at least one physical release” of a streaming show if it’s no longer available.Report

    • CJColucci in reply to Dan Miller says:

      The basic argument is that the copyrighted property is, well, the copyright owner’s property, and if the owner of a copyrighted work doesn’t wish to sell it, that’s his, or her, right, just like with most other types of property. If the owner of a vintage Edsel who keeps the car garaged didn’t want to sell it to you, what is the argument for making him, or her, sell it to you just because he or she isn’t using it, you want it, and no other Edsels are available?
      If you want a “policy action,” you could redefine our basic notions of property, either generally — sell me the Edsel, dammit! — or just for books, movies, music, etc., preferably for some more principled reason than, “I want to see a racist movie the copyright holder doesn’t want to distribute, dammit, and I don’t want to wait until it goes into the public domain!”Report

      • Chip Daniels in reply to CJColucci says:

        Copy “Rights” are interesting because unlike a other forms of property, they were invented not as a recognition of some naturally occurring right, but as a legal fiction for the purpose of incenting creative creation.Report

        • CJColucci in reply to Chip Daniels says:

          I sort of agree with this, though it might be more accurate to say that copyright was explicitly and consciously created to promote creation of literary works rather than to embody some naturally occurring right, while certain other types of property, which functionally created analogous incentives to productive activity, were said to recognize what was claimed to be a naturally occurring right. They may even have believed it back when.Report

    • DensityDuck in reply to Dan Miller says:

      “What’s the argument against yanking copyright for unavailable works?”

      The same argument that authors had when e-books started to be a thing; nobody knows what distribution methods might exist in the future, so destroying copyright might lead to the loss of potential markets. (Many authors found a lot of success re-releasing their back catalog for e-readers; reversion clauses in their contracts allowed them to get the rights back after a work had gone out-of-print.)

      I’m very skeptical of “well X isn’t available therefore it should be free” statements because if it’s not available then how did you manage to get a copy?Report

  2. This is also a problem with books. I really, really, really want to read Duane Decker’s books about the Blue Sox (a fictional major league baseball team), some of which I read as a kid, but they’ve been out of print for decades and used copies either cost hundreds of dollars or are unavailable.Report

    • At least for old books, there are existing huge collections that are already cataloged: public and university library stacks. Some years back I wanted to reread an historical novel I had read as a kid. There was a copy in a nearby university’s stacks. The book showed up at my public library about three weeks after I made the inter-library loan request.

      California’s got a ton of sizeable public libraries and universities. The LA public library catalog says they have five of the Decker baseball books, all available. WorldCat shows at least 13 titles at libraries somewhere in the US.

      Reminds me that one of these days I need to get back to my project of setting up a book-scanning arrangement.Report

      • Jaybird in reply to Michael Cain says:

        One of my buddies told me about the Casca series back around 2003 and I got excited and couldn’t find a copy of #1 (of 53!) anywhere. You could find onesy-twosys in the thirties or fourties for a little under cover price in the occasional used book store, but if you wanted to start from the beginning? You were boned.

        I have sympathy for pirates.

        It’s wrong to pirate media you can’t otherwise get, of course. The law is important!

        But I have sympathy for pirates.Report