The Revival and Crash of G4

Russell Michaels

Russell is inside his own mind, a comfortable yet silly place. He is also on Twitter.

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10 Responses

  1. Jaybird says:

    One of the things that G4 could have done, maybe, is provide a SportsCenter kinda thing for gaming and The Internet.

    Every day, you’ve got the same 3-4 people arguing about the events of the week. Avengers came out. Whoops! It sucks! Void Scrappers came out. Holy cow! It’s good! And you have established friends who have established personalities having age-old arguments about games together. You’ve got the FPS guy, the RPG guy, the MMORPG guy, and the Sports guy.

    Sort of like a RLM for video games.

    Bring out someone who is about 50 years old for 2-3 minutes every now and again and have him say something like “When *I* beat Super Metroid back in 1994, I never thought that it would eventually lead to Arkham Asylum” and have him talk about Metroidvanias for a couple of minutes before shuffling him back to the offices or something.

    Just make these guys be somewhat charismatic, somewhat photogenic (BUT NOT *TOO* PHOTOGENIC!), and make the viewer think “I could hang with these guys. I like these guys.”

    If you think “I would not like to hang out with these guys”, then you’re not going to watch.

    I’ve heard a “defense” of Frosk’s comments that went something to the effect of how the original show on which she gave that rant only had 20k viewers or something like that so it didn’t do *THAT* much damage. Well, lemme tell ya, I ended up watching that clip. I think that if I said that 200k people saw that clip, I’d be selling it short by an order of magnitude.

    Instead of creating a moment that got everybody to say “man, I should watch that show”, they created one that got everybody, give or take 1000 people, to say “yeah, I don’t need to bother”.

    We’re now in a place where any given media company’s competition includes people who make fun of the product. If the people mocking your product are more entertaining than your product, you’re going to have a bad time.Report

    • Pinky in reply to Jaybird says:

      I think G4 might have been trying to be SportsCenter, but the model you’re describing sounds more like sports talk radio.Report

      • Jaybird in reply to Pinky says:

        I was thinking the whole thing where Skip Bayless and Shannon Sharpe yelled at each other.

        Maybe that’s another show.

        I admit: I don’t spend much time with ESPN.Report

        • Pinky in reply to Jaybird says:

          Me neither. I think SportsCenter is more just highlights.

          I remember hearing an interview with an old-timer about sports talk radio. It used to be dry stats. There was a big NY station that had hired someone from – I don’t remember the details, but maybe the West Coast? And the show was going on as usual, when he and a homer started getting into a shouting match. The manager of the station said “yes! this is what we should be doing!”, and that’s how our current era began.Report

          • InMD in reply to Pinky says:

            Sportscenter is a little more than just recaps but it is in what I would call a traditional news format.

            Undisputed is on Fox Sports and is a talk show with all the yelling and editorializing (and making the never-ending case that Skip Bayless should he locked in a vault and never let out again).Report

            • Russell Michaels in reply to InMD says:

              What you all end up describing is “Crossfire” but with video games. And you don’t need a whole television network to do that. You could do that on YouTube pretty easily. Or Twitch if you want to do it live, although technically YouTube has a live function a few big YouTubers use sometimes.Report

  2. Damon says:

    Hmm, let’s attack our primary audience and tell them what they like is wrong. Best way to gain viewers. The earlier version of the show clearly had something of interest, if only because of Munn.Report