Saturday Morning Gaming: Steam Summer Sale and Fake Games
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Steam’s Summer Sale isn’t the *BIG* one of the year. But it’s usually a decent one.
Hades is 40% off (reviewed here), Grim Dawn is 80% off (not reviewed as much as compared favorably to Diablo II here), Disco Elysium is 65% off (reviewed quite favorably here), and Slay the Spire is 66% off (reviewed quite favorably here, here, and here).
What makes the Summer Sale interesting this time around, however, isn’t the deep deep discounts, it’s the game where a “trickster” from the “future” has you go through the available games and find the fake one.
Oh. So we have to go around and look for games and…
Heh. Okay. That’s cute.
Wait, there are 9 more of these? Okay! Let’s get down.
And the main thing that I noticed as I wandered around through the various available games is that there are a *LOT* of games that look like they must be fake. But they’re not.
Like Toaster Jam. Move your toast around the board and pick up slices of bread. (Older gamers will recognize that this is a reskin of Bubbles.)
Buildings Have Feelings Too! (Pretty much what it says on the tin.)
Solitaire VR. (Play Solitaire! In VR!)
I had a surprising amount of fun digging through the real games and uncannily not fake games to find the ones that are *REALLY* fake. (One of them I needed to cheat for… because it looked so very real that I didn’t even notice it. Of course that’s not the fake game, I said to myself as I clicked on yet another “Golf on the Moon” kinda game. (It was #9, if you’re curious.)
Go check it out and have fun exploring the games that, holy cow, are actually real.
So… what are you playing?
Nothing is really grabbing my interest right now, plus I’m suddenly spending all my money on books again. I’ll have to browse through the sale (and my wish list) and see if anything jumps out at meReport