In the Pacific, an underwater volcano went off that could be seen from space:
Lava streams from the Galapalogos volcano
Here it can be seen spitting out ash:
In case you weren’t worried about volcanoes in the US:
And here’s a full-length animation of Vesuvius:
Can we do earthquakes/tidal waves next? I understand that the chance for “the big one” along the Cascadia subduction zone over the next 50 years is about 35%, and the chance for “the VERY big one” in that period is about 7%. AIUI, the VERY big one brings down most everything over five stories tall from Victoria to Portland.
Much better chances for those than that the Yellowstone caldera will blow its top in the same time frame.Report
Doing one of these on tidal waves or earthquakes would be awesome!Report
There’s a reason I live 750′ up on a ridge.Report