Saturday Morning Gaming: The Steam Sale Is On!


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to

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7 Responses

  1. David says:

    XCOM 2’s Long War of the Chosen (LWOTC) is on its last beta which will basically be the upcoming 1.0 releaseReport

    • Jaybird in reply to David says:

      Oh my gosh, I did not know that.

      The last I had heard was that Pavonis was not going to do a LWOTC and I wishlisted Terra Invicta and stopped even hoping.

      I’m delighted that LWOTC is coming out!Report

      • David in reply to Jaybird says:

        Pavonis wasn’t commissioned for the project and so released it to the community. It’s a community mod, feature complete and stable for some time now. Latest is beta 5 and it’s basically what the eventual “1.0” will be (coming soon once the latest 1.23 community highlander is out)Report

        • Fish in reply to David says:

          Jaybird and I have been chatting about XCOM2 over the past few days. I started another XCOM2 game as a palate-cleanser in between bouts of Gloomhaven. I started on Veteran and decided it was too easy and started again on Commander. I’ve beaten the game on Commander but it was Such. A. Grind. Jaybird can tell you about my whinging and our discussions about why we play video games (for a challenge? To Relax? For fun?), which prompted me to once again delve into the .ini files and make a few tweaks to turn Veteran int “Veteran-plus.”

          I’ve got my eye out for a WotC mod that allows me to easily tweak the game to create a more organic difficulty in between Veteran and Commander.Report

  2. Andy says:

    There are a lot of great games on sale. Even relatively recent AAA titles can be had for $20-30.

    I haven’t played Stellaris – it’s a game I will probably pick up. I am a big fan of Paradox. Hearts of Iron IV is one of my favorites and the new DLC that just came out is very good. The base game is only $10 currently. I also have the new Crusader Kings but am having a hard timing getting into it.

    The Dishonored franchise is also very cheap and they are great games.

    Fallout 4 is one of the “five years ago or more” games that’s super cheap and well worth getting.

    There really are options for everyone.Report

  3. Pinky says:

    Oh, great, a Steam sale. Today’s when I go to their store and move half a dozen games to my cart. Then for the next three days I’ll talk myself out of them.Report

  4. Jaybird says:

    Oh, I can’t believe I didn’t think to check this: Darkest Dungeon is 85% off. Get it for less than $4.

    Don’t get attached to any of your characters. It’s not that kind of game.Report