Darth Vader Visits HR

Star Wars Celebration in Anaheim, April 2015. Photo by William Tung from USA, CC BY-SA 2.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0>, via Wikimedia Commons
HR: Ah, Mr. Vader. Thank you for coming by. Please sit down.
Vader: Lord Vader.
HR: Excuse me? Oh. Yes. Lord Vader. That is your, um, actual job title, I see. Doesn’t align with our org chart job title system, but, um, no matter. Let’s table that for now.
[Vader sits down, breathes menacingly.]
HR: I asked you down here because we, um, received a complaint from one of your colleagues.
[Menacing breathing intensifies.]
HR [visibly nervous]: According to this colleague and, um, several witnesses, you used the Force to assault him. Is this true?
Vader: I found his lack of faith disturbing.
HR: Yes. Thank you for bringing that up. That’s actually the exact issue. As you know, life and employment here on the Death Star are at will, so you can legally terminate employees—or their employment—for any reason or no reason at all. Except there are a few illegal reasons for terminating employees. Or their employment. And those you can’t do. As we outline in the handbook—
Vader: Don’t be too proud of this terror of a handbook you’ve created. The ability to document compliance obligations is insignificant next to the power of the Force.
HR: Well, be that as it may, the policies outlined in the Death Star’s employee handbook comply with the Galactic Civil Rights Act of a Long Time Ago, which, as you know from the manager workshop training you attended, prohibits discrimination of people belonging to certain protected classes. In this case, religious faith, or rather lack thereof.
Vader: I am altering the handbook.
HR: Well, we can make revisions, true, so long as they’re legally compliant. Like when you demanded we add a “No sand permitted” policy. No problem there. I didn’t get it, but whatever, fine. But we can’t just go changing Galactic Law without the Imperial Senate.
Vader: The Imperial Senate is no longer of any concern to us. The Emperor has dissolved the council permanently.
HR: He what now? I wasn’t notified. I’ll have to—
Vader: Your powers are growing weak, old man.
HR [aggravated]: Age is a protected class as well, Lord Vader. I understand that you are under a lot of stress. Plans of some sort were stolen. Grand Moff Tarkin put you on a performance improvement plan. Bandwidth is a bit stretched. I get it. But we do hold leadership to a high standard here on the Death Star. I would prefer not to take disciplinary action at this time, but I do need you to be a positive team player and a set a good example for the officers, storm troopers, and the crew. I have also reminded Admiral Motti that disparaging your religious devotion as “sad” was a clear policy violation. He has promised not to do it again.
Vader [standing up]: This will be a day long remembered. It has seen the end of the Senate. It will soon see the end of your pitiful HR department.
HR: See. That threat is fine. Being in HR is not a protected class. Although now I wish it were.
(internally) “I’m going to create a Death Star. Then I’m going to put all of HR on it. Then I’m going to accidentally-on-purpose let the plans slip out of my grasp to the Rebellion. Then we’ll see who is problematic.”
Great to see you, Kyle!Report
That’s brilliant!. You won’t even need to force them to go there, they’ll want to just so they have the big laser at their disposal!Report
Yeah, just a little pushback in the right places.
“Does HR *NEED* to be on the Death Star? Wouldn’t it be, you know, better for HR if they were distributed in multiple places?”Report
The Death Star is mobile, HR can be wherever they need to be!Report
HR will go on the B Ark, along with the telephone sanitizers.Report
Well done.Report
Sure Vader is a pain for HR but his yearly self eval is blessedly free of false humility and bs goals for next year.Report
Planets destroyed: 1
Deathstars lost: 1
Mixed results lead to no recommended merit increase this year; cost of living only.Report
Wait till they found out he offered his son an unposted upper management slot!Report
I’m actually told the Big Boss gave Vader the green light to try and recruit him. Fortunately the young man declined, which is good because the last thing we want is to get involved in trade secrets litigation with the Jedi.Report
The hot gossip is his kid was offered Vader’s job, but both Vader and the Big Boss assumed the other would be retiring to make room. Vader said it wasn’t nepotism and his kid had the highest test scores in his generation but that got awfully hollow when he offered the job to his daughter right after his son turned him down.Report
This is why there are rules! If you don’t have complete transparency, there are always rumors that discourage the staff.
They used to post vacancy announcements on monster.com but now the site’s been overrun by rancors and sarlaccs.Report
This thread is brilliant!Report
It’s the kind of job people would give an arm and a leg for.Report
I chuckled heartily!Report