Weekend Plans Post: A Year Of Quarantine


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to AskJaybird-at-gmail.com

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18 Responses

  1. Maribou says:

    Love the way you framed this post. Couple of notes. We have gone through at least 12 pounds of plain cream cheese and I dunno how much jalapeno cream cheese. And we passed 21 boxes of tomatoes some time ago.Report

  2. Marchmaine says:

    Congrats on y’all’s upcoming jab. A corner turned, or turned in about a month.

    I’m not really in any risk categories… I was able to qualify for one of the absurd BMI qualifications as, I guess, Dad Bod who eats maybe a little too much sodium… so I’m in that category. I suppose that means May when President Biden promised… My wife who’s out and about keeping local in person Catholic education in motion can’t seem to get a vaccine appointment owing to the well known technological limitations of scheduling things more than a single day in advance.

    This weekend the 6-yo and I will go out into our woods to clear the trails of windfall… maybe do battle against the various invasive species while I can see the forest floor and not get my tractor stuck or destroy the bushhog on hidden rocks/stumps. He likes to chop deadwood with his axe, look for nuts and flowers… and try to identify fauna tracks. Often barefoot.Report

    • Jaybird in reply to Marchmaine says:

      Thank you! (Knock wood.)

      We still have a month before we can exhale, of course… but we (knock wood) now have a date for exhalation (knock wood).Report

    • Maribou in reply to Marchmaine says:

      Gosh, even my grandfather who taught me to skin a rabbit at age 4 would’ve made me wear sturdy shoes if I was swinging an axe. (which, you know, by 6 I did, because firewood does not chop itself). Or is it like… a kid’s axe? an wee hatchet-type thinger? not actually all that effective at accidentally clunking off large chunks of foot due to small size? Properly holstered? I’m puzzled. I am 100 percent sure you are not doing anything stupid but the word axe is throwing me here. possibly due to severe insomnia.

      I used to love wandering around with my Poppy like that, tracking was one of the first girl scout badges I got.Report

      • Marchmaine in reply to Maribou says:

        Heh, barefoot is for the tree climbing and exploring/tracking… his (hand-)axe is real, but more of a narrow hammer than cutting implement, only useful for chonking rotting stumps; but yes, for that he’s shod. Don’t lose any sleep on our account. 🙂Report

      • Fish in reply to Maribou says:

        Oof, yeah…I once bounced an axe off my foot–a poor swing that caused the axe head to glance off the target. Luckily I was not wearing running shoes that day!

        (Which reminds me that I should really get youngest boy a good pair of work boots, as he enjoys downing dead trees)Report

  3. Fish says:

    I recall the early days of quarantine and the toilet paper panic, and how I’d check the paper aisle every trip to the store and come back empty-handed…only a short time later to discover a somehow-overlooked massive Sam’s-sized case of toilet paper on the storage shelves in the garage!

    And we’ve got stockpiles of dry and canned goods now! and the freezers are full! And one of the kids has developed an interest in cooking beyond just the “dump the contents of the box in the boiling water and wait” kind.

    I’ll be one of the last to get the shot, and I can’t wait to gather in a pub with my pub-gathering friends and lift a pint (or three) with them.Report

  4. fillyjonk says:

    the end of my spring break here. It was….pretty good, actually? I got a fair amount of work done, planned my summer research, and even had a little (careful) fun.

    tomorrow is Zoom meetup but if I can motivate myself before/after it I really need to clean the house. I made not one but TWO trips south of the border (=into Texas) this past week (once for general shopping, once to drop off a couple quilt tops at a quilter’s but also took advantage of being closer to the slightly ritzier grocery store to go there too) so I have plenty of food ahead.

    also if I can motivate myself I might bake a batch of Limpa (Swedish rye bread); I finally found rye flour at the natural-foods store.Report

  5. InMD says:

    Congratulations on the shots.

    I could theoretically claim eligibility by virtue of working in healthcare IT but my sense of shame prohibits it. I know the ethics people say ‘get it as soon as you can’ but all I can think of is taking one that should have gone to someone with actual exposure risk. Like, I’m the in-house lawyer who can hole up forever, not someone going into a hospital to keep the computers running. I’ll get mine once it’s open for anyone.

    As for this weekend my son’s first real, non-balance bike is arriving so that should be chaos. I may also go get a bike for myself in hopes of future rides. Somewhere I also plan to patch up my yard and plant grass in the 8 inch ruts from when one of my fool neighbors drove through during an ice event in early February. Good times.Report

  6. Reformed Republican says:

    This weekend my team and I will be finishing up our final presentation for our consulting project and I will be finishing up my final paper for my other class to earn my MBA. The actual presentation will be next Friday, but all the work will be done. Wednesday was my last class session. I am glad I did it, but I look forward to putting it behind me.

    Other than that, I will probably try to play some more 7th Continent (I think I might finally be able to beat the first real curse).

    Also, NWA is returning with a PPV on Sunday evening, and their weekly shows start up again next week. It was the only wrestling show that I still looked forward to watching, and it couldn’t keep going like AEW and WWE.Report

  7. jason says:

    Made my shot appointment for next Friday. This weekend some boardgaming and catch up on work.
    The weather is supposed to be nice, at least on Saturday, so maybe we’ll go walking at the res and get some fresh air.Report

  8. Jaybird says:

    Okay. Got it. Moderna.

    Maribou and I were scheduled about 2 hours apart, but they said “ah, we can squeeze him in” so we both got the shot about 2 minutes apart from each other.

    They asked if I was allergic to anything and I said “shellfish?” and so they made me wait a half hour before going home.

    It’s about 2 hours later now and my head feels too big and I don’t want to get up and do anything. No, not even laundry. If I feel like this on Monday, I’m calling in sick.

    I feel better than I have in months, though. Other than my head feeling too big and not wanting to get up and do anything, of course.Report

  9. Jaybird says:

    Day 2.

    Woke up feeling creaky, like I hadn’t moved a whole lot during the night. But, holy cow, hungry as a horse! I made breakfast. Holy cow, this breakfast is *GOOD*! I did laundry! Hey, it feels good to do laundry!


    I went for a jog. Instead of jogging 2 miles, as is my Sunday wont, I turned around at the halfway point and only jogged one mile.

    I’m not saying that going for a jog was a mistake, necessarily, but I had plans for the rest of today and those plans are now shot.Report