Weekend Plans Post: Smack Dab In The Middle Of February


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to AskJaybird-at-gmail.com

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9 Responses

  1. Jaybird says:

    A couple of months ago, I had a dream I went back to the restaurant and helped out during a particularly bad rush period. It was some weird amalgam between the restaurant in 1994, the restaurant in 1996, and the restaurant now. (In none of these restaurants was there a room off to the left with the silver prep tables, though.)

    Anyway, it was a dream. Easily dreamed, easily forgotten. Not even worth mentioning.

    Last night I had a dream where I wandered back to the restaurant to have a meal. The boss came from the back and asked me if I remembered working a couple of months ago and if I remembered one of the problems we had. Yeah, I did… and he said that the way we solved the problem resulted in an apparent problem with the till, so he wasn’t allowed to do the nightly count anymore. I was appropriately horrified and got my meal to go after hammering out that, no, nothing was missing. It’s just that we solved a problem without documenting it appropriately.

    Anyway, stuff like that makes me sympathetic to stories of our ancestors seeing some weird reality being tapped into during dreamtime. (Beyond the reality that exists in the mind’s processing itself, I mean.)Report

  2. jason says:

    We may head up to Springs to get some beer from Cerberus Brewery. Also, we’ll try to get a game or two in. Maybe play Canvas again or The Whatnot Cabinet. And of course, I have some grading and posting that I’ll do on Sunday.Report

  3. Marchmaine says:

    Back in December I thought it would be helpful to caution the family that while things are looking up, February/March will probably be tough months in-between pandemic lockdowns and winter lockdowns/blahs.

    And while correct, I can report that the advanced cautioning was not in fact helpful. We’ve no choice but to double to rations of grog.Report

  4. fillyjonk says:

    Digging out.

    This whole week, classes were cancelled. EVERYTHING was cancelled. I live on the northern edge of the Snowpocalypse that hit Texas and Oklahoma and Arkansas.

    This week was a blur. Am beginning to wonder if maybe my furnace is emitting carbon monoxide (I have a detector that is fairly new, and it has not gone off, but)

    JUST today did I get back out to the grocery. Couldn’t get everything, had to take a different brand and fat-level of milk than what I prefer because the shelves were stripped. I was one of the lucky ones though: power and heat stayed on, and I left taps dripping just in case so my pipes did not freeze (neighbors across the street apparently were not so lucky; I saw someone boogie out of the house the other day and open the water meter and quick turn off the water to the house)

    I’m glad it got it out of its system this week though; next weekend (the 27th) is my birthday and as I am 2 weeks out from my first dose of the Pfizer shot, I think it’s safe for me to mask up and do a little unnecessary shopping.

    Tomorrow it’s supposed to actually get into the 40s.Report

  5. Slade the Leveller says:

    Currently spinning the new Django Django record I picked up on the bike ride home. The treacherous bike ride, I might add. Chicago’s neglect of its bike infrastructure is criminal.

    Saturday is going to be digging out from the snow storm of earlier this week. Also, serving some prime rib to some friends, and maybe have a drink or three.

    Sunday, who knows?Report

  6. Michael Cain says:

    My wife and I are eligible for the vaccine in Colorado. I plan on spending Saturday morning sitting on hold with Kaiser for three hours until I can get a person who can answer the questions, “Where are we in the virtual line?” and “When will we get to the front of the line?” I so much want to donate blood again and get two-three inches of hair cut off. If their answer is three weeks, I’ll probably wait. Three months, and I may take my chances.Report

    • Jaybird in reply to Michael Cain says:

      Going to the pharmacist today, I asked (as I always do) “got any shots that’ll have to be thrown away if they don’t go into somebody’s arm?”

      Today was the first time that he said “when were you born?” instead of “no, sorry”.

      So I told him that a lot of bad things happened when I was fighting in Korea and I came home and only got settled down when Kennedy got shot.

      He looked at me and told me that I didn’t look like I was 72 and I told him “Good clean living!”

      Anyway, it turns out that ’72 was my birthyear.

      So I didn’t get the shot.


      He did tell me that he had one extra shot that he could give someone in either group 1A or 1B, and he’d never had an extra shot before.

      So… good luck to all of us, I guess.Report

      • fillyjonk in reply to Jaybird says:

        LOL back in 2019 when I went in for my flu shot, the 18 year old behind the pharmacy counter asked when I was born, and I said 1969 and he said “Oh, you need to get the special stronger shot, we might be out of those” and I was like “I AM ONLY FIFTY”

        the pharmacist knew what he was doing, at least, and I got the correct shot.

        I lucked into an early covid shot because of bad weather preventing people traveling from the bigger cities north of us here to get theirs. I kind of feel like “neener neener” for them – I was under the impression you had to register in the county where you lived, not just troll everywhere you can thing of to try to grab a shotReport