Weekend Plans Post: Taxes, No Politics


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to AskJaybird-at-gmail.com

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23 Responses

  1. fillyjonk says:

    My docket is making antibodies!

    Because of a weird convergence of events (people can sign up for vaccine “pods” anywhere in my state, so apparently people from Tulsa and other northern areas have been grabbing appointments down here, unusual winter weather north of it made travel impossible for them, and my uni president being on the ball, and me being lucky), I got my first dose of the Pfizer anti-COVID vaccine today.

    I still can’t quite believe my good fortune. Apparently these are doses that would have been wasted because the out of towners couldn’t get in to town. But right in town, the roads are good, so….I was able to safely get to the public high school and do the thing. And they scheduled me for a second shot in early March. This is exciting because it means it’s that much more possible I could travel to see my mom (whom I have not seen in over a year) this May.

    This also opens the door in a few weeks for me to begin feeling more comfortable going out (masked and distanced of course) to do “unnecessary” shopping, which I haven’t really done (other than once or twice) in almost a year.

    I don’t know if stores are letting people try shoes on yet, but I really need to replace at least one pair of my work shoes.

    Other than that, it’s supposed to be exceptionally cold and even snow on Sunday (we normally never get snow, at least not snow that sticks) so I will be staying home, getting caught up on grading, maybe doing a little relaxing.Report

  2. Oscar Gordon says:

    Let’s see, this weekend…. Oh, yeah, 4″-6″ of snow. We had flurries today and I already hear people screaming out their windows like Denethor at the siege of Gondor. Flee, Flee for your lives!Report

  3. Damon says:

    The nerding is back. We’re @ 85% to ding 20th level, having slain a half dozen young dragons, and old one, and rescuing a few ancients from torture. Soon we’ll be after the lich king of red wizards of Thay. Then we prevent Tiamat from coming to this plane, or kill her when she does. Fun stuff.

    The not fun is packing. I’m moving soon. Ugh. Already need a drink.Report

  4. jason says:

    I had sinusy issues this week and was medicating, so I’ll spend a chunk catching up on grading. So it goes. I’ll try to get in a game or two with the wife. I have a new game called Canvas where you construct “paintings” by layering clear cards in sleeves to create a layered image. The images aren’t really important; they clear cards have icon that earn you points depending on game goal cards.
    Or maybe we’ll just play Wingspan.Report

    • Jaybird in reply to jason says:

      I’m checking out Canvas now (I’d never heard of it).

      Holy cow, that looks awesome.Report

      • jason in reply to Jaybird says:

        Yeah, we haven’t played it yet, but the aesthetic is great, and I think it’s going to be a fun little game. We also play Project L, which is a simple polyomino game with great pieces.Report

      • jason in reply to Jaybird says:

        Played it last night. It’s fun, and can be brutal if you choose a set of difficult goals.Report

        • Jaybird in reply to jason says:

          A lot of randomness or is it more worker placement?Report

          • jason in reply to Jaybird says:

            No workers–you just draw cards. It’s the difficulty of the goals and the randomness of the art cards. Each game uses four goal cards. For example, you may need to have four different symbols in your completed painting or have all the color swatches at the bottom filled. You try to create paintings to match those goals and earn ribbons, which earn you points at the end of the game.
            For the first game, used the recommended goals, and then in the second game, my wife drew four random goals, which were harder. Combine this with the randomness of the art cards available and you get a harder game. But that’s part of the game: making a strategy to deal with the available cards and the goals.Report

  5. James K says:

    I had some tax-related news of my own this week. I’ve received my first invoice for property taxes from the council.Report

  6. Pinky says:

    No meaningful projects this weekend, so I think orcs and undead are going to get most of my attention (although enemy robots and neighboring city-states shouldn’t feel too secure either).Report

  7. Michael Cain says:

    Hiding out inside. Highs for today through Sunday are forecast as 8, 3, and 5. °F. We haven’t made it to the 8 this afternoon.Report

  8. Slade the Leveller says:

    I did my taxes last weekend. As an aside, don’t ever fear contacting the IRS about tax woes. They’re hardly the boogiemen they’re made out to be. Most people don’t make enough for the taxman to ever worry about them. All they want you to do it pay your taxes, sooner or later.

    I’ll be carrying on a Valentine’s day tradition in our household by making pink, heart shaped pancakes for breakfast Sunday. The first V-day without my wife for about 30 years. It’s definitely going to be odd.Report

  9. Fish says:

    I, too, earned myself a four-day weekend, not due to a crisis but rather due to an opportunity to learn more about my new job. So yesterday after wasting a substantial chunk of time watching TV and playing video games, I cleaned out the old computer parts bins in preparation for a trip to the local electronics recycler. I knew I had some pretty old stuff in there, but holy cow there was a bag of SIMMs, a motherboard that actually used them, and a couple of old ISA-type video cards.

    In the end, I’ve got a two empty bins (where once they were all overflowing) and another bin containing nothing but three video cards and a bunch of empty electrostatic bags.Report

  10. Jaybird says:

    Taxes: Done.

    Now we don’t have to think about it for a year. (I rolled over a 401K that I had mostly ignored since changing jobs back in 2013 and, for a second, it looked like that got paid out to me instead me being sent a check that immediately got placed into the hands of the financial manager. My heart was in my throat for about 20 minutes there until we figured out that, no, that’s just sort of how they do it now.)Report