Saturday Morning Gaming: Cyberpunk 2077 Reviewed


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to

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13 Responses

  1. Jaybird says:

    One thing that the game does that drives me nuts is that there are approximately 50 kinds of food. Locust Pepperoni Pizza (it’ll swarm your taste buds!)! Slaughter House Prime (with over 70% syn-meat derivatives)! Cat Food (it’ll have you purring in no time)!

    They all have distinct looks and distinct (and sometimes amusing) flavor text.

    And each one applies the Nourishment Status for 450 seconds (which increase max hit points and healing rate outside of combat). Each and every one. None of them do it for 449 seconds or fewer. None do it for 451 seconds or more. Each one is identical as far as the bonuses are concerned.

    Drinks work pretty much the exact same way. All of the booze does the exact same thing (everclear might as well be beer and vice-versa) and all of the non-booze does the exact same thing whether it be a milkshake or water or Chromanticore. You get the Hydration status for 450 seconds (and get a bonus to Stamina).

    The flavor text is good. The effects are all the same.Report

  2. Fish says:

    Still on Darkest Dungeon. I’ve attempted the first level of the Darkest Dungeon proper three times, and each has failed. The first one was pretty good. I got pretty far but ultimately failed and had to run with only two of my party surviving. The second and third attempts were both laughably futile and shockingly alike: An excellent start, cutting through enemies like butter, and then the wheels suddenly come off and I’m left waiting to see who is the last hero standing so I can run. Good times.

    I see that Gears Tactics is 50% off, but since it’s sitting at “mostly positive” I hesitate to pay even $29.99.Report

  3. Damon says:

    I’m playing cyberpunk right now.
    I’ve not had any of the experiences you mentioned. The game crashed once. I have some minor clipping issues where I couldn’t loot something, but otherwise, it’s run fine. A glitch here or there but 90+ of the time i barely notice them, and only then as they are rather rare.

    I’m running an intel I7-6700 @ 3.4 ghz with 16 gig of ram, nvidia geforce gtx 960. 1tb hard drive. No SSD

    I don’t consider this anything near state of the art and this game is pretty damn stable. As to the questions…pretty much what you said. I’m doing a lot of side quest. The weapon mod and other tabs, inventory, etc. are a bit confusing but I attributed that to learning curve.Report

  4. Reformed Republican says:

    I feel a bit out of place, because I did not have any interest in Cyberpunk (and I Kickstarted Shadowrun Returns back in the day). Maybe it is because I never played the tabletop. It sounded like something that I might enjoy (before it was actually released), but I did not feel that excitement that so many did.

    Last week I got a copy of Super Robot Wars X. This is a series of tactical RPGs, like Fire Emblem, except the units are a mixture of mecha, battleships, and other vehicles from a mixture of different anime. Your squad could have a couple Gundams with Gurren Lagaan and a Mazinger. Thy also include lesser known anime as well. It’s my first time playing one, and so far it has been fun, though nothing ground breaking. I am still early on, and I have not fully explored any of the systems yet to have a solid opinion on it.

    I also got a copy of Tony Hawk remastered from the Epic Games winter sale, but I have not spent much time playing yet. I have heard good things about it, though, and I really enjoyed the first two games back in the day.Report

    • If you kickstarted Shadowrun Returns back in the day, I’d say that this game is something to file away into your “I should look at this again in 2022 or 2023” databanks after the equivalent of the Witcher 3 Blood and Wine DLC comes out.

      By that point in time, your expectations should be well-managed (none of this thinking “I’ll play as a Netrunner!” crap), the biggest bugs will be memories talked about while people are laughing, and it’ll be at around a 50% discount.

      Tony Hawk is a blast. If you liked the first two games way back when, this game was made for you. (Though you might find yourself saying “I used to be better at this game…”)Report

  5. Saul Degraw says:

    I’ve been getting better at the game but it still feels like it is geared towards being for super-gamers at the expense of everyone else with too many bells and whistles.Report

    • Jaybird in reply to Saul Degraw says:

      Many of the bells and whistles do have some added functionality. If you find yourself dying too much, see if you can’t get some sub-dermal armor. (I got some and it *SERIOUSLY* helped me die a lot less. Sure, there are some corporate soldier-types who can kill me if I’m not very careful but I’m no longer dying after one or two hits from street-level thugs.)

      Also, points in Body will give you additional HP and points in Reflexes will give you bonuses to Evasion.

      (And always be nourished! You get 7.5 minutes of nourishment from any given foodstuff… the game just has food lying around. Don’t bother picking it up, just press the “eat it now” key and it’ll reset you back.)Report

      • Saul Degraw in reply to Jaybird says:

        This is sort of what I mean by bells and whistles, it is just too much to keep track of for being necessary especially. I noticed my character was being kind of slow and now it seems like food/norishment might be why.Report

        • Jaybird in reply to Saul Degraw says:

          Yes, stay hydrated. (There are also clothing upgrades that can improve your speed by a handful of percentage points.)

          Also, use Fast Travel Hubs (those are the blue/purple pins in the map. If you’ve ever found a fast travel hub in the past, you can get to it from any other fast travel hub).

          And, yeah, use the car/motorcycle if you have to go more than 300-400 yards UNLESS you want to do the various little Assault in Progress or Suspected Organized Crime Activities between here and there.

          The radio stations are surprisingly good and the DJs occasionally pop in with funny comments about what’s going on in the wider world (not essential by any means, but amusing nonetheless).Report

  6. Saul Degraw says:

    I read a Kokatu article that made a good point. A lot of people were way too emotionally invested in this game because they ordered it years in advance for no benefit. I ordered my copy a week or so before release on Amazon and got it on time.Report

    • Jaybird in reply to Saul Degraw says:

      Yeah, while I didn’t pre-order it until October, I was definitely one of the people who psyched myself up (and out) about the game.

      I mean, go back and re-watch the teaser trailer. What, if anything, does it tell you?

      It tells you that you’re in Night City, life is cheap, and the cops don’t have sufficient weaponry to deal with Cyberpsychosis.

      Oh, and the authorities are corrupt and might be in on it.

      Which tells you a lot about the setting, I guess, but the teaser tells you *NOTHING* about the gameplay.


  7. Jaybird says:

    Steam Sale has begun! Most of the stuff I want is only 33% off or so but you may find that the stuff that you want has good discounts.

    Epic Store is giving away one game a day until Christmas and today’s is Metro 2033. (Never played it… I picked it up. Maybe it’s good.) is giving away Brigador: Up-armored Deluxe. I know nothing about this one but it has “roguelite” in the description and, hey, free roguelite? What’s the worst that could happen?Report

  8. Jaybird says:

    For those of you who are still open to playing this: I just had to make a decision between two upgrades. They were mutually exclusive and while I could own both, I could not use both at the same time.

    Both had upsides that the other didn’t have. It wasn’t a “do you want the +2 sword or the +3 sword?” kinda question.

    It was more of a “would you rather use the +2 bow or the +1 dagger that oozes poison?” kinda question.Report