Weekend Plans Post: It’s Out


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to AskJaybird-at-gmail.com

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22 Responses

  1. fillyjonk says:

    I have one more round of final exams to grade (tomorrow, they come due over night) and then I am turning off my campus e-mail notifications for at least a week. Well, I will be going in next week to work on research (provided I am permitted, we might be chased off campus for various reasons).

    Then this weekend I am doing Christmas stuff – getting out any cards I don’t write tonight or tomorrow night, watching Christmas movies on tv, knitting (though this will be on stuff for me; got my holiday gifts done and sent out this week). Probably a grocery run? Maybe?

    I also have by every-other-week Zoom knitting group Saturday which has kind of been a lifeline in all of this.

    But mostly it’s going to be recuperating from what was the most hellish semester I’ve ever taught. (In the before-times, Saturday would be graduation, but now they just have a “virtual celebration of graduates”)Report

    • Jaybird in reply to fillyjonk says:

      Zoom knitting.

      It is good that these things are emerging. I never would have considered such a thing.

      (And it sucks that this semester was so bad. Next semester ought to have a small amount of relief… I hope!)Report

  2. James K says:

    My move went well and I’m now installed in my new apartment. My weekend will consist of some unpacking and Session 0 of a Pathfinder campaign.Report

  3. Brandon Berg says:

    Also coming out this weekend: My stitches! Then begins the long, slow process of splitting my hard palate apart and filling the gap with bone and teeth.Report

  4. Fish says:

    A little CP2077, a little Darkest Dungeon. MLS Cup Final is tomorrow night, featuring Sounders vs. Crew. Also trying to figure out what I want to read next. I just finished the latest Dresden novel and its quality is making choosing the next book more difficult. I started on the first Legacy of the Force book and it’s just kinda meh. Leaning toward a book about Reconstruction, but also leaning toward Brandon Sanderson’s Stormlight Archive, kinda wanting to read some cyberpunk to get me in the mood.Report

  5. Slade the Leveller says:

    Heading out to buy a tree, and hopefully get the house decorated. I’m trying to have as normal a holiday season as I can following the death of my wife, and this will go a long way to accomplishing it. I’ll also be assembling my annual Xmas CD, but I don’t know how many copies I’ll actually get to distribute, since we’re hardly seeing anyone.

    And, the Army/Navy game is tomorrow. The only college game I actually look forward to.Report

    • Good luck, Slade. (If you feel like posting the playlist…)Report

      • Slade the Leveller in reply to Jaybird says:

        Well, no tree today. It’s raining and I’m bringing a wet tree into the house.

        The mix is done and here’s the playlist:

        Eugene Edwards – Dear Mom and Dad
        Five Iron Frenzy – Gotta Get Up
        Johnny Cash – Merry Christmas, Mary
        Bowling for Soup – All I Want for Christmas Is You
        Crocodiles – Christmas in Hell
        Don’t Call Me Ishmael – I Won’t Hesitate (This Christmas)
        Field Music – Home for Christmas
        Kelly Finnigan – Santa’s Watching You
        The Cleaners from Venus – A Kitchen Porter’s Tale
        The Happy Somethings – It’s Christmas Time (we’re as miserable as sin)
        Thom Stone – Santa’s Out of Business
        Ben Caplan – O Holy Night

        The first 3 tracks are on for sentimental value. The last one is one of the most arresting tunes I’ve ever heard. Caplan takes a 175 year old tune and makes it his own. I wept when I first heard it. Here’s the video (if it doesn’t show up as more than a link, maybe Jaybird can edit it so it can be seen. It’s visually arresting as well.):


  6. Damon says:

    That’s a quality cat jaybird!Report

  7. Marchmaine says:

    We finally saved up enough to enclose a screened porch into a sort-of she-shed for my wife… a room for her projects, computer, homeschool, etc. etc. I’m told I’m allowed to use the room conditionally. It is something we’ve been planning for a long time. And it was her Birthday Month (it used to be Birthday, then weekend, then octave, now Month, soon to be quarter) so we pulled the trigger. Found a young contractor just getting started (a friend of my daughter) who was reasonable and available, because… everyone in the entire world is doing home renovations.

    Everything is going along swimmingly, work is great, contractor shows up every day, the usual things that pop-up are quickly resolved and the project is more-or-less on schedule. Just waiting on the ceiling insulation – that we ordered 6-8 weeks ago – no biggie, just a couple of annoying snafu’s on the supplier side. Right?

    Friday the supplier informed the builder that there’s no R38C (for vaulted ceiling) anywhere in the US because… everyone in the entire world is doing renovations.

    This is where being young/new will cost us in a delay… he didn’t have the juice or experience to make sure his materials were held for him and not delivered to another project… and/or making sure the supplier gave him warning with enough advance to make alternative plans.

    So now I’m researching whether we can compress R49 with a baffle or whether new materials (hey, Mineral Wool is thinner!) would pass code. Code sometimes being outcome based – does it conform to the spec? Yes? Good, pass. Versus Inspectors being process based – hey this isn’t R38C… we like to see R38C here… why aren’t you using R38C?

    But we don’t know if the inspectors will be jolly, it being the holiday season and all, or grumpy… because everyone in the entire world is doing renovations.Report

    • Jaybird in reply to Marchmaine says:

      Open with “here are some warm Christmas cookies, right from the oven!”

      “Oh… just one couldn’t hurt” and you’re golden.Report

    • Fish in reply to Marchmaine says:

      Reminds me of security audits:

      “Hey, you don’t have setting A in config file B.”
      “Yes, but we have setting Y in config file Z, which results in the same outcome as setting A in config file B.”

      DISA: “Yeah, ok, I can see that. This is fine.”
      DSS: “No, this is a finding. The control says setting A in config file B and you don’t have that.”Report