Weekend Plans Post: Thanksgiving Cocoon


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to AskJaybird-at-gmail.com

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19 Responses

  1. Oscar Gordon says:

    Gaming for a bit with the boy, dump run this morning, Cleaning up the garage and getting the last of the shelving up.Report

  2. Fish says:

    I did my part of the Christmas decorating Wednesday night: The tree is up with lights, garland, skirt, and tree-topper (we alternate between two toppers: a plush baby chick someone gifted to my youngest at his first Christmas and an Opus the Penguin wearing reindeer antlers. It’s Opus’s turn this year). I also wrapped a string of lights around the “computer room” running off the same timer as the tree.

    Not much else planned for the long weekend. Lots of reading, some laundry, a little TV here and there. The dogs will benefit the most when I get restless and leash them up for walks.Report

  3. fillyjonk says:

    I guess I decorate for Christmas today. I was surprised at how gutted I wound up feeling over Thanksgiving Alone, even though I know it’s how it had to be this year.

    didn’t help that the special food I express-mail-ordered wasn’t as good as I hoped it would be. I think Christmas-dinner-alone will be the most expensive steak from the local grocery that actually sells good beef.

    I also need to finish a small crocheted toy that is part of my niece’s Christmas present so I can soon box everything up and send it off. I’m not counting on the mail to be fast so I want to get it out next weekReport

  4. Damon says:

    Well, we got the sword of Zareal, and we’ve released the city from it’s bindings in Avernus. Now we just need to escape the plane.

    On a more food related area….I’ve got the fixings for eggnog (home made) and fruitcakes. Will begin soon. First the limoncello and orangelo and cranberry cordials.Report

    • fillyjonk in reply to Damon says:

      I’m hoping the small grocery near me that seems to cater to an older demographic will have the fruit needed for fruitcake. The slightly larger grocery I normally patronize does not have it in , and I am not going to wal-mart during the pandemic because that’s where the zombies go.

      Failing that, I may try to make a quick Kroger’s run to the next nearest city. But on a weekday morning during Exam Week to avoid people. Yes, that’s late to make fruitcake, but at least it’s not the kind that has to age in booze for a month – it’s my mom’s recipe, derived from something called Dundee Cake.Report

      • Michael Cain in reply to fillyjonk says:

        The post-move city is much more age-dominated by the state university and the tech companies, so nothing seems to cater to our older demographic. OTOH, mask conformance is near universal. Was at the liquor store this afternoon and heard the clerk tell someone, loudly, “We’re not losing the license over you. No mask, no inside service! I’ll be happy to do curbside.”

        I was in a position to see the guy stomp out, get in his car, and start doing something with his phone. I assume looking up different stores. Five miles east and you’re in a county that has refused to enforce the state restrictions.Report

  5. Pinky says:

    I’m going to try to think of something to do other than gaming this weekend. I killed so many orcs, alien battle-cruisers, and falling blocks yesterday that I need to give them time to recuperate. (They typically build up their strength during the week only to be fought back on the weekends. The mid-week throttling may have left them dispirited.)

    The weather’s supposed to be near 60 Sat & Sun. I wouldn’t mind running into a pile of vegetables with garlic on them. Both Timothy Dalton Bond movies are available on Hulu. That will probably be enough.Report

  6. Jaybird says:

    Steam is having a Black Friday sale. It’s pretty good. I got a bunch of pinball tables for FX3. For stuff that isn’t DLC, though, the percentages are a hair anemic. 10%, 20%… some 33%…

    GoG.Com is having a *HUGE* Black Friday sale. Witcher III! 70% off! XCOM 2! 75% off! Fallout 3 Game of the Year Edition! 70% off! Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition! 70% off! The Heroes V Bundle (comes with all expansion packs)! 75% off! War for the Overworld: Underlord Edition! 90% off!

    Go there and check them out. If you’ve ever thought “Well… I kinda wanna play The Talos Principle… but it’s a hair pricey…”, know that GoG.Com has it for 90% off this weekend.Report

  7. InMD says:

    Today I got in a run then went to the dump to dispose of the cooking oil from yesterday’s turkey frying. Also made a good will stop while my wife decorated for Christmas. Even with our sadly tiny gathering I couldn’t resist the urge to fry one up. Watching the complete annihilation of the Cowboys was gravy.

    Since my chores were done today and we’ve got mild weather I plan on spending the next 2 days running around outdoors with my son until utter exhaustion. Should be good.Report

  8. Our adult sons came over. I made a huge dinner, we played a couple rounds of Catan, then Friday we ate leftovers while my oldest son and my husband talked politics all morning and we watched Star Trek all night. Hubs is back at work today. Very nice holiday!Report

  9. Slade the Leveller says:

    My kids and I made the trek out to the little country cemetery by my in-laws to bury my wife Saturday. It was a nice, family only graveside service followed by a BBQ lunch outside for everyone. (We ordered from Famous Dave’s and got enough food for twice the amount of people we told them would be there.)

    Once the out of towners had departed we played a round of games (Uno and Left,Right, Center mostly). It was nice to decompress after a week of funeral planning and doing a small Thanksgiving dinner.

    Back to work tomorrow, after about 4 months of mostly not being there. Thank God for understanding employers!Report