A Letter From COVID-19 Exile


Nikhil Bhat

Nikhil is a data scientist and scleroderma patient advocate living in Baltimore. He sometimes tweets at @nikhilb and internets at nikhilb.in.

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6 Responses

  1. Avatar Kristin Devine

    Thank you for writing this. I enjoyed hearing your perspective very much. Best wishes for staying safe and healthy!Report

  2. Avatar Rufus F.

    Best wishes in staying healthy. This must be fairly nerve wracking as is.

    I think another problem with saying we need the people with underlying health risks to self-isolate is we’re assuming a lot in thinking they all know they have underlying health issues.Report

  3. Avatar greginak

    Thanks. Hope you guys get through this. Interesting read about all the safety steps you have to take.Report

  4. Avatar George Turner

    That was very well written.

    I could easily imagine the area around John’s Hopkins having a major outbreak, adding to the existing risks of being in the area around John’s Hopkins.

    There is a significant disconnect between people whose reaction is “Hah. I’m not a risk” and the people whose reaction was “Oh no. I should update my will in case I get infected.”

    When my area first locked down, I got a knock on my door. It was some young neighbors who were partying hard and had run out of sugar for their cocktails. I gave them a handful of sugar packets and wondered if I should have thrown a tirade about exposing innocent people to a fatal disease just so they can have their jollies.Report

  5. Avatar Kazzy

    Thank you for sharing. This is an incredibly helpful perspective to have.

    Jaybird asked elsewhere if/when folks would change their mind on Corona related issues. This may be something that changes mine.Report

  6. Avatar Tama Backlund

    Nikhil, I am truly sorry that you and your wife are needing to shelter at home and continue to fret the virus will find it’s way to you. You are a fine young man and I hope that you and your wife will come through this pandemic with even more zest for life, love and compassion for those who have special needs of any kind.Report

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