

Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to AskJaybird-at-gmail.com

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15 Responses

  1. Jason says:

    Hopefully, I’ll be completing my recovery from the plague I’ve had since last weekend. An x-wing miniatures tourney starts tomorrow and I have lots of grading to do as I try to catch up after my illness.Report

    • Michael Cain in reply to Jason says:

      Actual plague? Since that’s a thing in the West. The wetter-than-average springs we’ve had for the last few years have resulted in a big increase in the local rodent population; I’ve actually thought about the plague risk that might include…Report

      • Morat20 in reply to Michael Cain says:

        I don’t know about him, but I know colds, flu, and allergies have been incredibly awful in the Houston area.

        Whatever the heck my wife had last week was vicious, and I’ve been dealing with the first real bout of sinusitis I’ve had in five years. It’s been miserable.Report

      • Jason in reply to Michael Cain says:

        No. Just some kind of flu-like thing. My wife had it all last week and it hit me last Saturday. I can feel almost functional with medicine and as long as I’m not doing anything.Report

  2. Miss Mary says:

    One of my besties and her husband tried for years to get pregnant. This weekend is her baby shower!!! Saturday will be spent buying supplies, decorating, and food prep. Sunday is the big event. Luckily I went in on a gift with my other bestie so that’s one thing I can just throw money and no effort at. One thing officially off the to-do list, 100 more to go.

    Also, rearranging my freezers. I’ve got an over supply of frozen breast milk. Again. 🙁 Five days until surrodad picks up his portion of the milk and ten days until I send another cooler full to the milk bank. I don’t think my freezers are going to make it!Report

  3. Pillsy says:

    After four months of beating my head against Bloodborne, I finally finished it. It didn’t hurt that the last five or so bosses were the easiest in the game. Unfortunately the game turned me into a total masochist, so I’m going to spend most of the weekend inflicting Dark Souls II on myself.Report

  4. Jaybird says:

    I got my Flu Shot today.

    It now feels like they gave me a sub-dermal golf ball.Report

  5. Michael Cain says:

    Think I’ll just sit here and bask in the glory of living in the third best city in the country. According to the Wall Street Journal 24/7, at least. Three of the top five are Denver suburbs, which seems sort of ridiculous. Whatever the criteria are, skimming down the list suggests that they heavily favor largish suburban cities with lots of recent growth. Maybe they were looking to provide Saul-bait.

    Other than that, need to spend time on the deck reconstruction project.Report

  6. Maribou says:

    First days off in 9 days. flaring up like whoa. plan to spend most of the weekend in bed. bleah.

    OTOH, that gives me a chance to catch up on the internets and tv and reading 🙂Report

  7. Stillwater says:

    Finishing up a book happily titled The Worst Journey in the World. I’m a little disappointed, to be honest, since the journey billed as The Worst isn’t even the worst one recounted in the book. I’m also busy sharpening up my voodoo skills to ensure the Cubbies beat the hated Dodgers in the NLCS. Been practicing on a Steve Garvey action figure. Go Cubs!Report

    • Stillwater in reply to Stillwater says:

      Well, finished TWJITW, and it delivers on the title’s promise. For this who might be interested…

      The Worst Journey is a first-person recounting of Admiral Scott’s ill-fated Polar Expedition to Antarctica in 1910 written by one of the trip’s survivors, Apsley Cherry-Garrard. He participated in one expidition which might rightfully be deemed The Worst Journey during the first winter of the expedition, what is known as The Winter Journey, which intended to be a 6 week excursion across the ice during the dead of winter to study Emporer Penguins. They ran low on food, short on fuel, suffered thru consistently brutal temperatures (-60-70 wasn’t uncommon), lost their tent for a time during a blizzard and slept in their bags under mounds of drifting snow, and so on. Three men left, but all three returned. Amazing.

      A second legitimate claim to The Worst Journey was undertaken by a team of scientists led by Campbell who were provided with 6 weeks of rations to engage in scientific explorations on the expectation that their ship, the Terra Nova, would pick them at the end of the expedition in the fall before the sea ice returned. Ship didn’t arrive, so they spent the winter in an ice cave dug eating seal and penguin, surviving temps in the -30sF without fuel, until spring.

      The final Worst Journey was Scott’s expedition to reach the south pole, or what’ Apsley calls the Polar Expedition. None of the men in that group survived the journey.

      Depressing stuff, no doubt. But fascinating reading.Report