Tagged: worldbuilding

Social Science and Fiction Part 8: War, Peace, and Betwixt

What battles are you likely to fight? Orc assaults will likely rely on superior infantry numbers, Gnoll infestations will be guerilla-style salt-the-earth raids, Illithid conflicts will be psy-op 4GW affairs, and if you have a dragon problem, you can kiss those thatched roof cottages goodbye (pace Trogdor). Will your bog-standard infantry/archery/cavalry mix be suited to defend the kingdom against these sorts of threats?

Social Science and Fiction Part 3: Politics at the Gaming Table

Many Americans consider it boorish to bring up politics or religion outside of sanctioned times and places. One simply does not talk politics at the dinner table. It won’t do.
But the gaming table is not the dinner table. Ideally, you play games with friends. Or if your close friends don’t share your hobbies, then at least your regular group is acquainted well enough that political differences of opinion are unimportant enough to keep you from playing together. Or if that isn’t the case, then at the very least you all retain enough courtesy to stow your partisan inclinations while the game is underway.