Tagged: r scott bakker

Fantasy and the Anglosphere

When I published my fantasy piece in the Atlantic it was linked (reproduced?) by Richard Dawkins’ site and a number of the atheists in the commentariat had scathing things to say about fantasy literature....

The wheel of fantasy

Riffing off of my Atlantic piece, fantasy author R. Scott Bakker writes: According to common wisdom, genre fiction is culturally cyclical: It ebbs and flows in popularity as time alternately burns out various tropes...

Steven Erikson vs. R. Scott Bakker

I’m a little more than half way through the second book of Steven Erikson’s sprawling Malazan Book of the Fallen fantasy series.  And I must say, Erikson takes epic fantasy to a whole new...

The Prince of Nothing

R. Scott Bakker’s debut trilogy, The Prince of Nothing, is one of the best fantasy trilogies I’ve read in a long time.  Despite it being a bit slow at times, and despite some of its...

quote for the afternoon

“Every time you hear some version of the imperative “Believe!” cringe and fear for the future. It is the clearest symptom that we live in a culture of wilful delusion–one that actively encourages billions...

The Darkness That Comes Before

How did I never hear of this book before?  R. Scott Bakker’s first novel and the first in The Prince of Nothing series is, for lack of a better word, tremendous.  I’m only about...