Islam and the Nobel Prize
Andrew Sullivan points to a recent post by Isaac Chotiner in which the latter defends the general thrust of a recent, incendiary tweet from Richard Dawkins.
Andrew Sullivan points to a recent post by Isaac Chotiner in which the latter defends the general thrust of a recent, incendiary tweet from Richard Dawkins.
I’ve gotten some good pushback on my new atheist post, and probably – quite likely even – my thoughts on the matter were not quite clear enough going in to craft as cogent a...
[updated] ‘Odious as the physical abuse of children by priests undoubtedly is, I suspect that it may do them less lasting damage than the mental abuse of bringing them up Catholic in the first...
Sully points us to a portion of a recent interview between (I’m not making this up) Hugh Hewitt and Richard Dawkins. The whole interview is here. Andrew’s commentary is worth the read, particularly in...
On the flight over to Calgary (for Br. Scott’s nuptials) I read Bob Wright’s new book The Evolution of God. I’m wanting to do a post or two on that book, but I was...