Will the Real Free-Trade Party Please Stand Up?
Americans have become accustomed to the choice between bad and worse. That’s where we are on the issue of trade as well in 2024.
Americans have become accustomed to the choice between bad and worse. That’s where we are on the issue of trade as well in 2024.
Belief in anthropogenic global warming is a sort of political signifier for American liberals – if you don’t think human activity is changing the Earth’s climate, they’re probably not going to take you very...
This is going to be purposefully short. I want a discussion on this more than anything, as my thoughts are still very much forming. Does a revived labor movement require protectionist policies, increasing tariffs,...
[updated] So, just to clarify a position I hold: My belief in free markets is based in the concept of failure. I believe in markets because I believe they allow for failure to occur....
If you like music, this is really important. The architecture of online music distribution has been amazing for the consumer. With iTunes or Pandora or eMusic, the savvy listener can get just about whatever...
David – I wonder if what Blond is trying to do is to bridge the divide between the modern liberal state and the sort of Aristotelian or anti-modern philosophy of MacIntyre or the radical...
Jonah Goldberg makes some very good points about human welfare and markets: I’m no unmitigated fan of Wal-Mart, but it can’t be denied that Wal-Mart—and stores like it—have improved the lives of a lot...
Some hail the 1950s as America’s golden decade. It was boom time in America, and like the Big Automakers, Big Government continued what was begun during the Great Depression, adding notches to the belt...
Here’s a provocative post from Felix Salmon on why local self-sufficiency is preferable to free trade in the context of agricultural production.
Will asks a few good questions about markets and economies of scale, to which Kevin Carson (among others) provides some very good answers from his own unique, mutualist perspective. Will asks, “are localism and...
A day or two ago, I offhandedly endorsed an article from Jagdish Bhagwati on the continued relevance of global free trade. This provoked a few heated responses from Kevin Carson, who has long argued...
I want to reuse this title sometime, because I think it’s really good. I got it from this really good post by JL Wall over at Upturned Earth, responding to both myself and Nathan...
Nathan has returned to blogging with quite a bloggy manifesto on some of my favorite topics – namely, localism, capitalism, and the struggle between free trade and the cultural side-effects of a consumerist, corporatist...
How can anti-statists reconcile themselves with protectionism? This has become a kind of stumbling block for me. I have slowly become more and more disillusioned with protectionism as policy because it seems that it...
Mark points us to this very fun and persuasive article by Radley Balko on the wonders of free trade and markets which warns, quite astutely, of the dangers of central planning and too much...
Then again, simply because the United States ceased to be a ‘real’ republic does not mean that it ever became an empire. Of course, the United States did become an empire, complete with colonies,...
Let’s start with “isn’t” first: ________________________________________ It’s not a war just about spreading democracy. It’s not a war just about oil. It’s not a war just about stopping a brutal dictator who supposedly had...
UPDATE, 3/25: In response to some accurate criticism, I have pulled back some of the arguments made in the below post; my revised argument can be found here. The good Mr. Dr. Larison has...
UPDATE, 3/25: In response to some accurate criticism, I have pulled back some of the arguments made in the below post; my revised argument can be found here. Over the last few weeks, some...