Author: Will

Somebody had to say it

David Harsanyi admits the obvious: Twitter is basically useless. Sure, I understand the social appeal, and my will to resist setting up an account will probably erode over time. But why a 140-character format...

Pertinent Facts

Jules Crittenden sneers at Ambassador Eikenberry’s recommendation not to deploy troops to Central Asia, noting “that Eikenberry commands no troops in Afghanistan.” Well, bashing the diplomatic corps is de rigueur among the more vulgar...

Editorial oversight, anyone?

The Guardian continues to burnish its remarkable record of publishing unabashed apologists for communism. This latest offering isn’t quite as good as Zsuzsanna Clark’s classic “Goulash and Solidarity,” but if you’re looking for awful...

A Time to Kill

Sonny Bunch has written a long, impassioned defense of the death penalty. Here’s the crux of his argument: Every time I start to waver on my support for the death penalty — as I...