Open Mic for the week of 2/24/2025
On this day in 1803, Marbury v. Madison established Judicial Review
On this day in 1803, Marbury v. Madison established Judicial Review
If you’ve never heard the song, you’re in for a treat.
Inflation results in rising costs despite assets
A little zen game where you manipulate a diorama. Oh, and it’s 90% off! Just a buck!
Some DEI programs aren’t worth defending.
We just told each other “the Indian can be traded for a free Tootsie Pop” and listed off the rules and daydreamt about a second Tootsie Pop
Here’s why unemployment is higher, wages are lower and growth less robust than government statistics suggest.
On this day in 1996, Gary Kasparov lost the first game of a six game match against Deep Blue
I hope you have enough queso.
It’s a fun game that rewards ruthless aggression and everybody will have a hoot when the chain reactions start.
A first-of-its-kind study suggests bonobos, like humans, can understand someone else’s lack of knowledge—and adjust their actions accordingly
Guys, It’s Time For Some Game Theory
There have been a bunch of games that require the knitting of brows and the occasional situation that could easily result in a rage-quit.
You don’t need to drive to Sandusky to wirehead properly.
On this day in 1967, a fire in NASA’s Apollo 1 Command Module killed Gus Grissom, Ed White, and Roger B. Chaffee.
With slowly dawning horror, I realized that Menace from the Deep was a pretty good Slay the Spire clone.