Author: Freddie

I long for the day

when people can’t take any dubious argument, shoehorn in a “death of traditional media” angle, and call it a day. That whole line of inquisition is becoming a meaningless, non-falsifiable feint. Incidentally, the studio...

wildlife management

just a thought

I think I’ve nailed down what bothers me about a lot of the defenses of the town hall protesters by, let’s say, more sophisticated, politically engaged and connected conservative pundits: I read, and all...

Dear Internet World,

We’ve all heard the arguments against the arguments that the Web is making us stupid. (Nobody actually makes a crude form argument remotely that simplistic, but moving on.) Certainly, I’m not going to attempt...

Dear ESPN,

Your power rankings, while cute, should never, ever be treated as big news on your website. When one team passes another in an artificial competition that neither knew they were participating in, this is...

science blegs

1. If baryons and electrons and some other of the subatomic particles are only a small percentage of the stuff that constitutes the universe, why is it that they are the only thing that...

nota bene

Because conservatism is the ideological inclination much more inclined towards purges of the unfaithful message discipline, reformist conservatives, when given the opportunity, flog orthodox messages with a little extra zeal; thus, this broadside which...