Slack Tide of the Slack Jawed Also-rans
Wish casting a horserace is probably more fun than the reality of what is actually happening inside the hollowed-out husk of the GOP.
Wish casting a horserace is probably more fun than the reality of what is actually happening inside the hollowed-out husk of the GOP.
This, certain folks on the interwebs will tell you, is the true creeping destruction of America. Bless their maladjusted little hearts…
Scattered thoughts and unanswered questions two years after the destruction and death in Kabul and America’s withdraw from Afghanistan.
Donald Trump and 18 other named defendants have been indicted in the Fulton County Grand Jury investigation in Georgia’s 2020 election and aftermath.
The term apocalyptic is probably overused, but for the town of Lahaina and island of Maui the “one mile every minute” wildfire was exactly that.
Jamelle Bouie answers the seemingly obvious question of the Richard Hanania online discourse: “Why an Unremarkable Racist Enjoyed the Backing of Billionaires”
AG Merrick Garland has granted David Weiss’s request to be given Special Counsel status as he investigates various allegations against Hunter Biden.
President Biden has issued an IEEPA Executive Order to ban certain transactions and regulate technology investment by designated foreign entities.
The Ohio state GOP went hard for Issue 1, a measure to raise the amendment threshold of the state’s constitution from simple majority to 60%, and were trounced for their trouble.
The rise of “auditors” not only filming but escalating issues with law enforcement for social media is a new wrinkle on the ongoing debate over policing in America.
After years of efforts by many to help convicted felons restore their voting rights after their sentences are served, some states are pushing back.
Trump Attorney John Lauro did the “full Ginsburg” rotation of all the Sunday talking head shows, and it was quite…something.
The tech firm synonymous with doing work/school/whatever else from home is ordering full time work from home by its own employees to cease.
Look, who doesn’t have an occasional run in with OSHA regs from time to time, but to base a political philosophy explainer around it?
Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 53 bans photography or broadcasting of judicial proceedings, which will include United States v Donald J Trump
Good news: You will now have to poll significantly higher than the average social media user to get on the second GOP presidential primary debate stage.
Explain this version of Rudy Giuliani to any adult in America in October of 2001, just to see the reaction.
The gunman found guilty in the murders of 11 people at a Pittsburgh synagogue in 2018 was sentenced by a federal jury of 12 to death.
It was Devin Archer testimony day at the House Hunter Biden, er, that is House Oversight Committee for a closed-door session that nevertheless proved all the talking points of everyone involved.
70 years after Henrietta Lacks’ cervical cancer treatments touched off a medical revolution, without her consent, some closure for the living relatives for a still raging debate over patient’s rights.