Author: Jamelle

Black Republicans and the specter of tokenism

The whiff of tokenism notwithstanding, I’m actually glad to see that there are credible black Republicans angling for high-level political office.  I’ve long argued that it would be good for black people, and great...

Broken Windows Theory of Discrimination

(cross-posted from my humble blog) To sort of second Neil’s observation about the power of anti-bullying/anti-prejudice norms to “have a broad and beneficial societal impact,” I’m pretty convinced that you can apply the “broken...

Friday Genius Ten

I’ve been sort of absent from the League this week – a bad cold + writers block = no blogging – and I have been fairly derelict with my Friday Genius Ten’s.  So, you...


For those of you who weren’t there when I introduced myself a few months ago, I’m a recent graduate of the University of Virginia.  And at the University I majored in “Political & Social...

Looking Down the Barrel of a Gun

On foreign policy, I’m something of a realist/intervention-skeptic, which is why I’m inclined to agree with Daniel Larison when he argues that democratization isn’t terribly compatible with stability: Egypt and Jordan can remain at...

Friday Genius Ten

Okay, I meant to put one of these up last week, but I didn’t.  Thankfully, this is a particularly good mix, which will hopefully make up for the fact that I’ve been really derelict...

Connecting a few more dots

Ta-Nehisi Coates: There’s a part in The Audacity Of Hope, where writing about race, Obama notes that, rightly or wrongly, a significant swath of white people are exhausted, and repeatedly scolding them (even if...

Few people actually care about partisanship

Unlike quite a few of my liberal fellow-travelers, I think Megan McArdle is a pretty decent econ-blogger.  That said, she tends to stumble a little bit when it comes to political prognostication: I now...

Soft bigotry, meet low expectations

After I read Ross Douthat’s column this morning, I tweeted that I was nominally on board with his attempt to massage George W. Bush’s reputation. Three hours, two cups of coffee, and a nice...


Matt Zeitlin’s post on 9/11 is top notch, and I recommend that you read it.  Here’s an excerpt: One would hope that America’s size, strength and influence would breed a certain sense of responsibility...

Our Three Party Democracy

Creepy admiration for China’s authoritarian government aside, the main point of Tom Friedman’s most recent New York Times op-ed is actually pretty sound: the United States has become something of a neutered one-party democracy. ...