The Real First 100 Days

Issac Faulk

Issac Faulk is the pseudonym of a published and experienced foreign policy writer, currently in exile.

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3 Responses

  1. Jaybird

    Unfortunately, the whole “this meeting could have been an email” criticism has evolved into partisan usefulness.

    I saw it given against Biden’s speeches by Biden’s opposition during Biden’s term (with the notable exception of 2024 where Biden’s opposition was saying stuff like “I want to see if he’ll wander off halfway through the speech!”).

    I want to say that the criticism had the most bite when the speeches were the most boring. If it’s a boring speech, why not replace it with an email?

    But when the speech is, effectively, a pro wrestling promo? Hell, those are *RATINGS GOLD*! Trump’s speech’s numbers were up 14% from Biden last year! (Though he didn’t hit the numbers he achieved during his first term… his lowest rated speech in 2020 got better numbers.)

    What’s the solution? Well… I have no idea. If the wrestling promos give the content that mumbling through a list of bullet points doesn’t, we’re going to get wrestling promos.Report

  2. Philip H

    My fired federal colleagues would beg to differ on the no consequences statement.

    As would farmers who have lost USDA support AND contracts to sell food to USAID.

    But sure – tell us again how all this is just a media circus signifying nothing.Report

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